Time to talk

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Hey there people,
Here you go, another chapter. Here it is.... Oh and the person above is Alexandra's dad, Owen. Anyway here you go...
Love you guys,
Jayden P.O.V:
"So..." I said, "I guess I'll begin. Alex... Alexandra, look.... It was our three year anniversary and I was in a meeting, excited to spend time with you..."
Nick coughed.
"Shut up Nick, or else... Good thank you. As I was saying, I wanted to spend time with you. Us together. While I was thinking, I was distracted from the meeting and was sent to my office to retrieve something. Anyway, my computer all of a sudden, started to beep and wouldn't stop, so I opened the file to find photos of you and Liam sleeping together in our bed. I felt so... broken hearted. So that's when I came home and said those hurtful things. I didn't mean hose things Alexandra, I swear!! I was just angry and upset at the images and I targeted your faults. Im so sorry. No amount of words can begin to describe my apology. After you left, I went into the influence of alcohol and then... I bedded women. Look I'm sorry... Just... Please forgive me!! Please, please, please. I'll never repeat those things again nor  will I ever make you unhappy again. Please, I beg of you forgive me, Al. Please."

I looked at Alexandra to see tears streaming down her beautiful face. It broke my heart.

"No, no. Sweetheart don't cry. I'm sorry. I never want to see you cry because of me. Shh.. Shh sweetheart..."

I sat there soothing my beautiful love and get her to calm down. I want her to stop crying so I could see her beautiful, shinning, smiling face.

"Jay... Jayden.... I'm sorry... I h..hurt you and.... It's all m..m..my fault."

"No love, it was me that hurt you. I would never mean those things. I deserved to be hurt, not you."

She cleared herself up and said:

"Jayden, I forgive you BUT I don't trust you. I don't think I ever will. So.. My end   decision is... We can be friends. That's it take it or leave it. I cannot offer you more than that.."

"Yes, I'll take it." I'll fight for you.

To end it all, we hugged.

Now it's time for Nick's story.

Nick P.O.V:
I looked at Charlotte and began.
"It was our 6 month anniversary and I had just dropped you off at your work. I went to a club because Dean asked me to. There I drank... I don't know about 4 beers and was drunk. There I saw a girl and she looked like you. Thinking it was you, I took her and told her my address and I don't know where you were but that's what you found. Me in bed with a woman I thought was you. I was completely oblivious to the situation which is why I continued doing what I was doing and that's when I woke up in the morning with some random woman in my bed that wasn't you. Then I kicked her out and got a message from seeing we were done and that you never wanted to see me again. I'm not going to beg for forgiveness because you are not that type of woman to be asked for forgiveness, because you want it to be earned. All I'm asking is another chance. That's it." So... What do you say?"

I looked at Charlotte to see her shocked with my revelation. She then said to me:

"Being drunk isn't an excuse and I'm not that forgiving as Alex is to Jay but...." She sighed. "Alright, same conduits as Alex. Friends?"

"Friends,"  I said and shock her hand.

Oh Charlotte, I'm not letting you go that easily. I'll fight for you as Jay is for Alex.

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