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@alexmsmith13 just liked your photo!


so guys, i know i write a bunch of stories with the male footie player being the main guy and then a made up female character. but i just thought, why not have a female footie player as the lead, and then create a male lead character? its different, and i just wanted to branch out and start writing about my fab queens from the wnt. 

this one is about alex morgan, and im going to be adapting it from a story you've already read of mine before, which is catfish. obviously there will be changes in the setting, the year in which it takes place, and everything like that.

playing our main woman is alex morgan herself. since this takes place before the women's world cup in canada, she is twenty five and unmarried (sorry servando carrasco, you do not exist in this universe). our leading man will be a twenty five year old young man named van daniel, who always aspired to become a footie player, but is currently working as a security guard at a university. my main man will be played by jose pablo minor (i always want to call him juan pablo). 

above is a lovely slapped together collage of my two main people.

i really hope you like this story. its my first woman footballer fic, so its definitely something different. im thinking of adapting the spin off for another uswnt player, but i havent decided who yet. that is pending. if you have suggestions, let me know! they will be appreciated.

-clary xx

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