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Hello, welcome to the Shick Fic. Feel free to like, comment, and request stuff. I'm a puppet to my readers.

"'Ey Arzhur, look at zhis..." Francis handed the newspaper to his husband on the other side of the table. He had excitement in his eyes as he did so.
Arthur took it, reading with his usual scowl on his face. "New drug discovered to trigger pregnancy in men..."
"Zhey say zhere is an eighty percent chance of success."
"I don't know if I'm ready for kids..."
"Si vous plais?!"
Arthur sighed at the begging look in Francis's eyes.
"Zhe deadline to sign up is next week. Zhis might be our last chance to 'ave les infants of our own!"
Once again, Arthur sighed. "I guess...since the option is still there."
Francis grinned from ear to ear, hugging Arthur thankfully.
"I promise to make you zhe best children you could ever wish for, mon Cher!"

I was originally going to go for a pure fruk but HetaliaFangirl666 suggested something else that I'm going to go for. So expect some other pairings later on. Alright, I'll have the next chapter up whenever it's done. Expect smut.
Au revoir!

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