Part Thirty

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Francis ended up bringing the entire family with him.
And by entire family, Arthur meant all three of them.
"Who's this?" Arthur knelt next to the young girl, admiring her dark skin and hair along with the bright red ribbons in her hair.
"Zhis is Michelle. I'm fostering 'er, but I zhink I'm going to adopt 'er soon." Francis explained, petting the girl's head. She smiled up at Arthur as if he had an armful of candy.
"What brought this about?"
"I saw zhe chance and I took it. And let me tell you, Arzhur, 'aving girls in zhe 'ouse is a blessing in its own."
"Sup dad." Alfred strolled in at that moment, carrying another child. This one was way younger and wrapped up in a pink blanket.
"Is that...?"
"Dad, meet Amelia. Your granddaughter." Alfred held the baby out for the Brit who took it and admired her soft features.
"Honestly, Alfred, I never expected you to be a bottom."
"Zhat's what I said." Francis chuckled.
"Where's Mattie?"
"Alfred, leave him alone for now."
"Why? I want to show him his niece."
"Later. Right now, Francis is the only one he wants."


"Matthieu~" Francis pet Matthew's hair until he woke up. The boy blinked his violet eyes, clearing them.
"Papa?" He asked, squinting.
Francis nodded. He had gotten so blind since the last time he saw him.
Matthew pulled Francis into the bed, cuddling him close and crying. "I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? For what?"
"For getting pregnant."
"Matthew...Al did it before you. Zhis isn't a new thing."
"Al is a bottom?"
"I bet Alfred was zhe most submissive bottom zhe world 'as ever seen. 'E probably cried."
"I can actually picture that." Matthew giggled.
"Zhere's zhat smile." Francis held his son closer as a reward. "Tell moi, was Ivan zhe fazher?"
"Of course." Matthew nodded within the confines of his papa's arms.
"And does 'e know?"
"You should tell 'im."
"I can't, papa. It's weird."
"'Ave you spoken to 'im at all?"
"We've texted. But that's it."
"You need to talk to your boyfriend, Matthieu. If 'e loves you, 'ell 'elp you out."
"I'm not ready to."
"I'm not saying you 'ave to do it now. But zhe sooner zhe better."
Matthew nodded. "Can I ask you something?"
"Oui. Anyzhing."
"Why did you an dad break up?"
"We...just grew apart."
"Papa, that's what you told me when I was little. What's the truth?"
"Okay. 'E cheated on me. Why do you ask?"
"I was just..." The Canadian paused. "Dad told me and...I guess I was a bit skeptical."
Francis nodded.
"Do you still love him?"
"Zhis is out of nowhere."
"But do you?"
"Oui...I do..." Francis admitted. It was the first time he had voiced this out loud since the divorce.
"He still loves you, papa."
"Non. 'E does not."
"But he does. He still sleeps on your side of the bed and skips work on your anniversary. He's a mess papa."
Francis sighed. "Matthew, you should rest."
"Don't avoid this discussion. I want us to be a family again."
The Frenchman sat up. "Son, zhis is just your 'ormones."
"It's not! I've felt this way for a long time."
"I don't know what to do, Matthieu."
"Talk to him. Tell him how you feel." Matthew's eyes teared up. "Try something."
Again, the older man sighed. "I'll talk to 'im."
"Merci papa." Matthew curled back up in his spot and closed his eyes.
"De rien, mon frére."

Imagine Demerald:

Diamond taking notice to Emerald's love of anime and learning one of the theme songs in secret but it's unravel so instead of being impressed she just cries.

Taking Diamanté and Esmeralda out for a walk but Diamanté falls off Diamond's shoulder and onto Esmeralda who gets startled and goes off her leash so Diamond and Emerald end up running through the forest after this fucking tiger like wtf?

Emerald using her tech skills to call Sylvester and Frazqueres under a false identity as a prank but she's laughing so hard that she can't manage and then Diamond ends up hugging her until she chills out.

Pillow fights.

High School AU where Em is the weird nerd and Diamond is the loner who plays guitar at lunch under a tree.

Zombie Apocalypse AU where Emerald is the sweet girl who turns out to be bad assed and Diamond only ever wants to protect his sister but then he meets Emerald and he's all conflicted and shit.

Watching sunsets.


Diamond having a particularly bad day with his leg and Emerald knowing instantly because he was groaning in his sleep so she goes to the kitchen and brings back two spoons and a giant tub of ice cream and they spend the day watching shitty movies and cuddling.

Singing still in love with you by electro velvet.

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