There is a WEREWOLF Living in My BEDROOM

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A/N: I created the finding spell 'invenio.' It is not a spell from the books. The word invenio is latin for discover or find. 

"Mr. Black! Please refrain from hexing your classmates while I am teaching!" McGonagall said sternly. Sirius had just hexed Severus on a dare from James and Peter. Remus had tried to discourage him to no avail.

"I apologize. My wand seems to have malfunctioned." Sirius said with an entirely straight face.

"Well, you can take that up with Professor Flitwick after class." With that McGonagall turned to Severus. "Severus, go to Madame Pomfrey. She should be able to get rid of those boils."

With a glare at the four friends, Severus stalked out of the room. Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at Severus' overly slicked-back hair. 

"Back to the lesson, today we will be working on a finding spell. This spell is 'invenio.' The wand motion is this: point your wand up and then bring it down sharply, then swish it from left to right just as sharply. This will draw the compass points in front of you. Practice the wand motion now, I will be walking around to check to make sure you do it correctly."

Sirius waited until he saw Remus do the motion before attempting it. He knew Remus would do it right. Once Remus had completed the motion, Sirius did it as well. McGonagall nodded at him, silently telling him he did it correctly. With a small smile, he turned to Peter and straightened the boy's wrist. "Try it like this."

"Thanks Sirius, the wand movements seem to be getting harder." Peter's face was screwed up in concentration.

"I'm sure it will click for you soon." Sirius patted Peter on the shoulder and then leaned up to whisper in James' ear. "So, now that we have a locator spell can we use it to find living creatures?"

Remus answered, "Yes, Sirius, you can. Now, sit down before you get us all in trouble."

Sirius sighed and sat back in his seat, he had a half-baked plan bumping around in his head. He had always had an odd fascination with werewolves, and with this new spell he hoped to be able to finally meet one. All he had to do was wait until night time, that way it wouldn't be so hard to sneak out of Hogwarts.


"Sirius, this is a bad idea. I really think that you should forget about this crazy scheme." Remus said, his face pale.

Sirius had just explained to his roommates what he was going to do, and asked if they wanted to join him.

"Remus, mate, it's not that bad. I for one am going with Sirius." James was already pulling his invisibility cloak out of his trunk.

"Thank you, James. It's nice to know that I have one friend on my side." Sirius said this with a glare to Remus.

"I think I'll sit this one out. I have a potions essay due tomorrow, and I don't need to turn it in late again." Peter was sitting on his bed, his parchment and books spread out in front of him.

"That's okay, Peter. You can stay here and keep Remus company, since he's too scared to come with us." Sirius started pulling his hair back from his face. It was forever falling out of the ponytail he tried to keep it in.

"Sirius, you've never even met a werewolf. They are really dangerous. What if you find one and it eats you." Remus was almost shaking, but Sirius figured he just didn't want to get caught. Remus was a very studious person and hated to anger authority figures.

"Remus. We are going, and that's final. James, I think we should start the spell in here, as opposed to waiting until we are in the hall."

"Good call, Sirius. I'll let you have the honor." James stood next to the door, his invisibility cloak folded over his arm. He had an easy grin spread across his face, and his wand was sticking out of his back pocket like it always was.

"Alright, let's see. Invenio Werewolf!" Sirius performed the wand motion while speaking the spell. Suddenly, a thin plume of pale grey smoke started flowing from the tip of his wand. It wafted up to the ceiling where it stayed in a small cloud, before flying towards Remus and surrounding him. Remus had a defeated look on his face, and didn't make eye contact with his roommates as they stared at him in confusion.


"Remus, can we please talk about this?" Sirius sat next to his friend who was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

After a moment of standing in the smoke, Remus had waved his wand and the smoke had dissipated. The other three boys were struck dumb, they knew that this could only mean one thing. 

"I suppose we must talk about it, now that the truth is out. I would have preferred, however, that the truth had never come out. You chaps are so clueless it didn't seem that you would notice that I go to the infirmary every full moon." Remus' voice was muffled by his hands.

"That's not true." James spoke up from where he was sitting on Remus' trunk. "I've noticed. I thought that this was the reason, but I wanted to be more sure before asking you about it."

This caused Remus to lift his head to look at James. "Really? But you didn't act scared of me."

"Why on earth would I be scared of you? You fold your socks and iron your robes. Forgive me if I'm not terrified." James rolled his eyes and reached over to thump Remus' head. 

Remus' look was one of almost absolute relief. Before he let himself believe that he wasn't a monster, however, he turned to the friend on his left. "Sirius, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just, I've heard you say how much you wanted to meet a werewolf. I thought I would be a disappointment, or that you would think me a monster."

Now it was Sirius' turn to roll his eyes. "Remus, honestly, I don't know why you would think I would be disappointed. There is a WEREWOLF living in my BEDROOM. That is just about the coolest thing ever. And I second what James said, you are the least terrifying person I have ever met, besides Peter."

"I'm not scared of you, either. Remus, you are too nice to be scary." Peter piped up from his bed.

"What did I do to deserve such good friends?" Remus asked with a small smile.

"Absolutely nothing. We only keep you around so you'll do our homework." Sirius said with a chuckle before slinging his arm around Remus. The friends stayed like that for awhile, before going to bed feeling like they were closer than they had ever thought possible.

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