Merry 1000th Christmas

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They say Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but not when the full moon was on the same night.

Light shined through my curtains, spreading a white glow around the room, and sitting in the corner of my room was a sleeping Klaus.

I smiled. Slowly I lifted up the pink pillow from under my head and through it at him, scaring the almighty Klaus.

"Faith!" He shouted, shocked, but I could see the smile on his lips.

"Merry 1000th Christmas Klaus."

"Merry Christmas sweetheart."

The compound was filled with festive decorations. Tinsel hung from the ceiling like rain falling from the sky while music filled the air. A heavily decorated tree sat in the middle of the floor, presents forming a circle around it. Marcel looked up at Klaus and I from the other side of the room, and smiled.

"Merry Christmas!" He said then looked at me. "Faith, can I speak to you for a minute, outside."

"Yeah sure. I'll see you in a bit Klaus."

The air was bitterly cold in New Orleans and the early morning sun had just started to poke through the clouds. Marcel and I were walking along the streets. Street musicians were playing Christmas songs while other people were selling hot chocolate.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"There was a man at the compound, this morning, asking for you. As far as I know no one knows you're here and it was no one from Mystic Falls so I turned him away. Look what ever trouble you've got yourself into we..."

"Marcel what colour hair did he have?"


"Did he ha..have blue" I practically shouted.

"Yes..." He looked at me concerned, "Do you know him?"

I had to lie, he couldn't know.

"No, sorry I just thought it was someone I knew once, but I just remembered he had red hair, not blue."

"Ok," He said questioningly,"let's go then."

"Ok so this is from Klaus and I."I said to Marcel as I handed him our present, a new watch.

"And Klaus I obviously did not forget you." I smiled at him and before I realised it we had been looking into each others eyes, for to long.

"We breaking up a moment or...?"Marcel sarcastically said.

"Oh sorry, here you go."

Everyone else opened their presents and left. Klaus and I were left, just sitting there in a comfortable silence.

"So I got you a present." I heard him whisper, almost inaudible.

I looked up to see a book in front of me.

"I realised that you probably don't have a grimoire so." He nodded towards the book.

It was blue, with gold and black swirls on it, diamonds occasionally stitched in.

"I wrote some spells you might find useful in there, as well as some of my mothers old spells I..."

I cut him off with a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered into his shoulder.

He responded by kissing my cheek.

"Go on, go get ready for the ball."

Dresses were not my thing. But this dress was different. Black crystals covered the top half of the dress up to my waste and then the black faded into red crystals in a ball gown style. My black hair fell down my back like a veil and small red flower clips were placed through it.

"Doesn't someone look beautiful." A voice said from behind me. I smiled as I turned around.

But slowly it faded.

"Connor." I whispered shocked. There he stood. The man from my nightmares, Connor.

"Don't act so surprised Faith, you knew I was in New Orleans."

"Why? Why are you here?"

"To find you obviously." Then he turned around looking at the door. "Ahhh, lover boys on his way up. See you soon sweetheart." Then, just like that, he was gone.

Wiping away a stray tear and shoving past memories out of my head I turned around just as Klaus came walking in.

"Wow." He murmured. "You look amazing."

"Thank you."

"Who were you talking to?" He asked.

"Um... myself. You know me, crazy Faith. C'mon lets go." I rushed out the room grabbing his hand so he would not ask anymore questions.

The room was full of life, people danced, some were drinking, while others were talking.

"Join me for a dance?" Klaus extended his hand which I took in mine just as 'Can't Pretend by Tom Odell' started to play.

"I wanted to thank you." I told Klaus as I looked up at him. "You didn't need to be so kind to me. You were my enemy but now, my closest friend." I held back the tears that were threatening to come out of my eyes. Klaus wiped them away with his thumb and smiled.

"I think you are more than a friend to me Miss Faith Angel." He whispered.

"Mrs actually." A voice rang out and was owned by a man making his way through the crowd.

"Conner. Don't." I told him.

"Oh come on Faith, how long can you pretend."

"What is he saying Faith?" Klaus asked, getting angrier.

"Are you going to tell him, or should I?" Conner smirked.

"Conner....Conner husband."

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