Chapter one: first day back

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INTRODUCTION::: I'm ciarah and I literally live on Wattpad so why not write a story hahaha


It was my first day of senior year and I felt like I don't belong because I have been homeschooled ever since my sister died in a school shooting. I see all the people reuniting with their friends and I feel left out and alone. I'm a senior so it's only for a year. I let out a sigh of relief.

I make my way to first period after examining a lot of people. I sit all the way in the back corner so I can see who's gonna be in my class for first period art. It was mostly some familiar faces and some obviously new people but none of them caught my attention, except for one: Kyle Reed... My crush since 4th grade.

He walked in about 3 minutes after me and I immediately re felt all of my feelings towards him.Since it was the first day of school all the teachers are only  gonna talk about is getting to know us and what the class is gonna be like I didn't pay attention, besides I was too busy staring at the back of his perfect head.

The teacher Mr. London told everyone to say their name and one fact about ourselves . When it was his turn he said " Hey I'm Kyle and the rest is none of your business." I silently chuckled to myself as I realized he's the same since I left. When it was my turn I said " Hi I'm Chassity and I guess I like the feeling of leaving this shithole at the end of the day."  After I said that he smiled a little and was glancing at me until the end of the period. I think he was surprised that I was back.

I didn't see his face clearly until he fully turn d back to look at me. He has the most perfect smile I've ever witnessed and two full deep dimples that are enough to make my cheeks warm up and a turquoise sea staring straight at me. I guess he realized he was staring at me and quickly snapped his head back around and didn't look back the rest of the period.

After the bell rang I pulled out my schedule and was gonna attempt to find my way to second period until I heard my name "Chassity?" I quickly turned around to see who called my name and that's when I saw him towering over me with his 6'2 height staring straight down at me. "Uh what's your next period?" It takes me a while to process what he says and then I glance at my schedule and say "Geometry honors" he smiles almost too fast for me to see and says "cool me too." We both walk to class together side by side.

When we got to second period, I sat in the back corner and he sat right next to me . Before everyone arrived to class we made some small talk catching up a little before the teacher came in.

Ms sobol said to pick a partner and since me and Kyle were sitting together we obviously paired up.

We had to make a timeline of each other's lives. We practically grew up together so I already knew quite a few things. Like the fact that he broke his arm when he was 13 and that he was originally from the Dominican Republic like me.And I knew he was the quarterback of the football team.

I didn't have him in any other periods except for 7th period civics he came late like 20 minutes until dismissal and I don't think he saw me so he sat all the way in the front of the class while I was of course in the back corner and he was just staring straight ahead of him the whole time and I was staring at him I wanted to know what had him so reserved.

When the bell rang everyone started running out the door and Kyle was about to leave until I yelled his name. He quickly looked back at me and hurried out the door and left campus. I was so confused but it's probably because I'm just another face in the crowd to him, but little does he know he's WAY more than that to me. What a great first day I say as I roll my eyes to myself

The not so great return of Chassity CruzWhere stories live. Discover now