Bad guy? Sweet heart. (Part 6)

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Stiles: Theo? What was that all about?
Theo: nothing, hey can I ask you guys something?
Scott: I don't know, will it kill us?
Theo: No! It's about this girl
Scott: don't kill her!
Theo: I won't! I like her
Corey: who my sister?
Theo: what? No
Corey: yes it is
Theo: no
Stiles: yes it is
Theo: okay maybe it is but maybe it's not. I just need your help
Kira: with what?
Theo: I really like her but I'm afraid she doesn't like me back
Malia: well does she have any reason of why she doesn't like you?
Theo: because I'm the "bad guy"
Corey: oh
Theo: I tried asking her out earlier but she said she can't because I'm the bad guy, what do I do?
Malia: show up to her house tonight with flowers, her favorite kind of flower though
Theo: okay
Corey: alright

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