Chapter 2

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---Kyle's pov---

I trudged along the snow covered sidewalk to the bus stop, where I was - no doubtably - going to be first. Like always.

And just like always and to no surprise, I'm first to the bus stop.

I stare up at the grey sky as the snow trickles and flutters down and around to the ground.

I hate this. Waiting in silence. It gives me too much time to think, and I already think too much for my own good.

So, the last thing I need is more time to think.

I sigh and rummage through my pocket for my phone and headphones.

I put on my headphones and blare music into my head, to make it impossible for me to think about anything.

I don't even care what song is playing, as long as it's loud and I don't have to think about him.



I don't want to think about him. No, scratch that. I shouldn't think of him.

Not in the way that I do. No one should think of their best friend like this.

It's disgusting.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump slightly. I pull out my headphone and turn to face Kenny.

"Hey Kyle," he laughs slightly, probably because of my reaction.

"Hey Kenny. You're here earlier than usual."

He nods, "I guess. What are you doing?"


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