Slave and the Fire

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Jasmine's pov------

            I feel nothing anymore... Pain is one thing but I want to feel loved again. I don't know what I did to deserve this poor treatment, but they didn't care. They all treat me like I'm a slave...Hehe I guess I am one. Foxy and  viper and the gang made me an animotronic anthro. I watched as they all laugh and play with children, the kids should stay away from viper. I'm sure she is just dying to get her bloodthirsty teeth and claws on them. After the last party ended they turned to me and ordered me round.

         "DO SOMETHING YOU DUMB RABBIT!!" Freddy screamed and I went to clean up the place. I hated it here and all I want is for this torture to end. When I was done viper bumped into me and made me spill the soda I had just picked up.

        " wow your such fool! Can't even stand or clean HAHAHA!" Viper laughed and made me clean up her mess. She used to love me and treat me like a sister but that was 5 years ago. When I was done again I went back stage and sat down. I thought of everything I did to deserve this. Suddenly I smelled smoke. I yell out and of course they didn't care to listen.

       " THERE IS A FIRE! GET OUT OF THE BULIDING" I yelled but again no answer so I fled the building and when I was out side the place alit with flames. Viper was crying and was thrown out by them. I ran when she hissed at me. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. She caught me and scratched my arm.

          " DONT YOU EVER COME BACK YOU HEAR ME OR DONT EVER LET ME SEE YOU AGAIN! BUT IM STILL GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN FOR NOT TELLING US" and with that she hopped back to the building. I got up and limped the rest of the way. At least I don't have to bare the pain anymore.  I stopped at a bridge that said 'WARNING ZENXYO WOLF PACKS LIE IN THIS LAND ENTER AT RISK' 

        " This is going to be a bad but it's better than them" and I entered the land, only to look back and see the Bridge back was gone. 

       " welp lets start exploring!"

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