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namjoon had an idea. he didn't really know how to use his limited spanish, but one thing was for sure was that google translate has yet to fail him.

he held up one finger for her to give him a second.

he pulled his phone out and typed a few letters in.

when he finished, he pulled the screen in front of her.

"*cuál es tu nombre?"

*cuál es tu nombre : it directly translates to what is your name, but it should be como te llamas. google translate directly translates it to that though.

fact : i have done the google translate thing many times before; especially on hellotalk haha

i hope i am not annoying w constant updates and short chapters )-:

ok bye

love you

honduras // namjoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ