The lighting demon king.

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                                                          Authors notes                                                                                                                           just so you know this is 1 month before the battle between flare vs rave. this is the story how flare unlocked his magic abilities.

I was walking back from the 20th day of training my leg felt better but not fully healed its still a little stiff so I went to my tent. My tent had some cool things I collected over the weeks. I found this awesome looking sword but its not strong in battle that what the weapons smith Clay said. Anyway I sat in my tent and fell asleep.

As a thunder storm started out side i here'd a lighting bolt strike something near by. I went out side to check what it hit I Saw a lot of smoke coming from a tree over to the south I walked over there to find a mark on the tree with what looked like a emblem with a soul on it I touched it and it burned my hands I backed a away and looked at my hands there was a marking on my hand it was a demon with lighting all around it. suddenly a lighting bolt came crashing down on me and I was knocked out.

"Wake up Wake up Wake up" A voice said I opened my eyes to see a dark room with a person right in my face. Hey who are you I asked. " Oh I'm the demon lighting king Leos" He said sounding excited. "Why are you so jumpy and why am I here" I asked suspiciously. "well if you must know that mark the tree gave you are now chosen to be the lighting demon warrior and thats all I'm saying" He explained.  Bye leos  said. with that I woke up in the place i had been struck. It was morning. when I got up my body felt weird then my hand started to  of red lighting. and all I knew then that I was now a Warrior of the lighting demon Leos.

final emblem lost fatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora