Chapter 3

52 2 13

Connors POV:

Where am I? Wow it's bright!

I wake up in my bedroom floor and notice the time.

Wow 10:00 pm already? How long was I out?

I can barely remember what happened until I look at my laptop...

*Time Lapse to years later*

"Connor hurry up, we have to be at Joey's house right now!!!!"

I swear Tyler is always yelling about something.

"I'm coming chill" I say.

I walk downstairs to see Tyler all dressed up.

He's so cute...I've been in love with him for as long as I can remember.

I'm awoken from my daydream to Tyler yelling at me.


"What? Oh right Joey's house! Well come one Tyler we are on a time limit!!!!"

Soooo I know that the chapters are short and we don't update as much but nobody is reading or giving us ideas and we are coming up with nothing.


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