Chapter 2

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As I woke up, I was already in front of the school. There were prefects everywhere to dimerit students who came in late to school and I was one of them.

I have to get out from here but how. I can't climb eventhough the walls were low. I sighed and decided to face the music.

I got out off the car and waved goodbye to my grandparents. How embarrassing it is for a secondary school student to act like a kid. So childish.

"I thought you said you're late for school. Now tag along Stella." Grandma said. And she shooed me.

As I entered my classroom, everybody stared at me.

"Stella Parker! Why are you late? Do you know what time is your English test? Hurry up. You don't have much time right now." I was loss for words and without further ado, I quickly took out my pencil case and start my test.

Not too long into the exam, I started to feel sleepy because I have studied almost the whole night. Whenever I closed my eyes, Ms Dalphine would use a wooden ruler to hit my head.

One and a half hours later, I finally finished my English test. I felt relieved that the paper was a piece of cake. Soon, it was recess time.

It was a long queue and I have to wait almost ten minutes. 

"Hey Stella, come over here and sit with us!" Brandon yelled as the canteen was really noisy and crowded.

"Sure. So what are you planning to do tonight?" I replied.

"I don't know. I might be hanging out with Steph and the others. Wanna join?"

"I would love to but my grandparents will disagree. They are overprotective." I mumbled.

"Well, you can hang out with me anytime you're free. Take your time babe."

"What did you just call me? To be honest, I don't feel comfortable when guys call me that though. That includes you Brandon. Gotta go bye!" I rushed out and headed back to class.

Hey guys! I know this isn't really my best shot. Am trying to xD So, see you soon :) 

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