chapter 1

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I slammed my foot into the ball with all my power and letting it sore away. I've spent the last five months training and testing my physical strength, soccer is like my second language but nobody else in my family thinks I could have a career out of it, they think I'm wasting my time. They cant even take it in to consideration that maybe I like soccer. i looked up from the ground to realize that my ball had gone beyond my boundary, my family had always told me to never go beyond the fence and that my life depended on it. Its my only ball and there is no way I'm letting my dream go that easy. I started toward the big old house at a jog, I put my foot on the fence just to tests its strength then with that i began to climb over. When i finally got over it i scanned the property, amazed by how abandoned the house actually looked. I finally saw my ball and ran right to it, I placed my hands on the sides and suddenly a large foot crushed into it Knocking it from my grip, I slowly looked up. My eyes met a large dark figure, I stared into his green blue eyes, as my heart began to race and my body burned uncontrollably out of fear. His muscles where defined and his cheek bones where well sculpted, every thing about him screamed a dark cold mystery. He was at least 6'4 almost double the size of me, I didn't stand a chance he is going to take me into his home and torture me to death, at least before he kills me maybe i will ask him what protein shakes he drinks. We stared eye to eye until he looked away, " Is this your ball?" I stared at his lips as the deep words escaped into the atmosphere filling my ears i quickly snapped back into reality. " Yes I am so sorry I didn't mean to kick it over here" I said quickly wiping my sweaty palms on my shorts. He pushed it all the way to the ground letting the air release  out of it until it was flat, a stared at it with my jaw to the ground. He smiled and started to walk away " Hey! that was my only ball now you have to buy me a new one." I shouted as my fear turned to anger, I tend to to erational and stupid things when this happens. " haha. No I don't" he said as he started up the stairs to his house i followed quickly behind him. " yes you do that was my only ball" I said again. He turned toward me with a smile when we reached the front door, " what will daddy not by you another ball, because he doesn't think girls should play sports?'' he said teasingly. He turned back around and began to turn the door handle. A fire of anger burned inside of me but how did he know? his words left me wounded and looking for vengeance. " Now go home before you get hurt" he said again putting one foot in the door way. " I said you owed me a ball" I said deeper as i pulled his arm back toward me. He reacted quickly by slamming my body into the side of the house, " I said go home before you get hurt!" he shouted at me with are faces inches apart, i winced at his harsh words. he released me and I took off in a full out sprint. Determined not to stop until i was in the safety of my home. It was like he vanished and something evil took him over, hot tears ran down the sides of my cheeks. I grabbed the door handle and dashed right toward the stairs, so glad that none of my family stopped me. As soon as I reached my room I jumped into my bed. My thoughts scrambled on about him and the way he had yelled at me and held me to tightly in his hands, but it all went black as I fell into the deep dark hole of sleep.

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