Chapter 1// Memories

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I remember once when I was a child, only around the age of seven my dad took me to the desert.

I lived in Arizona back then near Tucson, in a small town named Bisbee only about 10,000 people there and I'm still certain more than half were over sixty but it was a nice place and quiet.

But that's how I liked it, that's how my dad and mom liked it, now that I look back I remember complaining to my mother that I wanted to live in a big city in New York City or something. But I was young, and that's what girls do they want to be like the rest, in cities, shopping, and having the perfect boyfriend.

I'd sometimes be ungrateful, I would wait all summer just for our 1 hour trip to Tucson to go to the mall or the zoo.

I got lonely so I asked for a brother or sister, turns out my mom wasn't able to have another one of me. She was very depressed for awhile staying inside which she never did, she was always outside with dad looking at the stars.

Then one day, she got sick, very sick, it was a Saturday and dad was working at his hardware store. She lied down and coughed blood everywhere on herself, it was everywhere so much of it she couldn't breathe, it just kept coming, I called 911, but the time they got their she was gone, choked on her own blood.

I was almost 7, she gave me this look before she was gone and gave me a tight squeeze she managed to say through bloody teeth, "Keep exploring f-for me Andrea, just don't look, p-please don't look." But I couldn't I lied their until they came her eyes wide open and her hand still on mine, and I thought to myself her eyes were little galaxies of their own, and imagined them one day sparking up again.

My father, he didn't cry, I mean he did cry but not in front of me, he never spoke of it to me until a year later, when he said out of nowhere "Andrea, let's go we are going to study the sky."

I was puzzled, my father never took me on his studies with his telescope because he needed to consecrate and the telescope was to expensive.

When your seven and your curious you dream of doing that, I was so excited I put on two different pairs of shoes.

"Grab a couple blankets, that's all we'll need." He mentioned.

He climbed into his yellow pickup truck it was beginning to get dark, I remember falling asleep on the side of my fathers arm.

When I woke up, my father whispered "Andrea, we're here."

I was now very confused, "Daddy, there's nothing here." I said, eyebrows scrunched.

"Exactly," he said grinning excitedly.

"Perfectly clear night, and nothing in sight, just what we need."

He set up the telescope as I ate some chips I brung along, I tasted the saltiness and saved them.

He was studying through it for while, then asked me to look through it, I still remember what I seen, everything I seen was like a whole new world, everything shinning and pretty it hurt to look but I saw one thing in particular, "Dad, what's that black and green thing?" I said.

"Black and green thing?" He whispered to himself.

He took the telescope and gasped.

"Andrea, my- my notebook hurry!" He exclaimed.

I ran to the truck with notebook in hand.

He wrote several notes, descriptions, and mathematical equations, even looked in his book, but couldn't figure out what the green dot was.

He sighed and smiled at me saying "well I guess it'll be our own little discovery."

We laid in his pickup truck for awhile pointing out constellations, then he said "Andrea, do you know what you're named after?"

I shook my head no.

"Your name is Andromeda, you know that,"

I knew this because whenever someone would get angry with me I heard this.

"see that group of stars over their that's the Andromeda Constellation, but all them together is the Andromeda Galaxy, your mother of course wanted the name Cassiopeia, but you deserved a galaxy, and Cassiopeia was selfish lady, I'll tell you the Greek mythologies later though your still young for that."

I was just starting to fall asleep in his arms as he was stroking my soft blonde hair when he whispered and I could tell he was crying.

"Andrea, look at the stars, look at how they shine for you, please don't let them fade, please don't let this go." He kissed my forehead and I went into a deep sleep.

But that was the beginning, and the beginning's are the easiest because you don't have to fight for anything but hard because you didn't see what was coming.

Hope you guys enjoyed, this has sorta the same feel of 5th wave but my own ideas, all credits that I took are for the book, I just put a twist to it,

Anyways, upcoming chapter will flashforward, be prepared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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