Not So Stuck Up // Luke

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I know imagines usually have Y/N instead of a girl's name but I wanted to do both so I will have some imagines with Y/N soon :P I love you bbys, please enjoy <3


Malia was out exploring her new city for hours at a time. But, her amazing days always came to an end and she would have to travel back to her apartment for the night, until the sun arose again signifying the start of a new adventure. She was currently on her way back to her apartment after a long and adventurous day, ready to sleep through the night and get to exploring something new tomorrow. But, although she was considerably tired, luck was not on her side tonight because she was not getting in bed anytime soon. As she made her way into her apartment building and towards the elevator, she sees a guy around her age going in the same direction. They board the elevator side by side and she presses the button for her floor number, which is seven. The boy quickly presses his, which is 8. Only a floor above her. They ride for a minute, before hearing a stuttering sound and the elevator coming to a halt. The lights flickered off soon after ad they both groaned.

"I need to be in bed." Malia groaned, taking her phone out of her pocket to turn on her flashlight.

The guy didn't respond to Malia, just rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor of the elevator. Malia shook off his rude behavior and sat down in the same position, across from the boy.

"So, what's your name?" Malia asks, daringly trying to start up a conversation despite the daggers this guy is shooting towards her with his eyes.

"Luke." The guy spat towards her.

Now it was Malia's turn to roll her eyes, "You don't have to be a jerk, okay? By the looks of it, we're going to be stuck in this elevator together for a while so we could at least talk."

"I would rather sit here in silence than talk to you, to be honest." He said, nonchalantly, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes.

"What's your problem?" Malia asked, crossing her arms and plopping back against the wall of the elevator.

"You seem stuck up and I don't talk to stuck up people. It's as simple as that." Luke shrugged.

"You think I'm stuck up? You don't even know me." She huffed, looking away.

"Oh, did I strike a nerve?" He asked, opening his eyes and smirking at her.

"No, I just don't understand why you think I'm stuck up if you don't even know me." She muttered.

The truth is, he did strike a nerve. She always gets accused of being stuck up. But the funny thing is, it's always by people she doesn't know. Once they get to know her, they change their mind and think she's nice. But, strangers look at her and think of her as stuck up before even getting to know her and she has no idea why.

"Well, you just seem like the stuck up type. Oh, and I've lived in the building for years. So I've lived here, right above you, since the first day you moved in and you never once noticed me. I bet you didn't even know I lived here. I bet when we stepped in this elevator together I didn't even look the least bit familiar to you." Luke raises his eyebrows when she doesn't reply, "Am I right?"

Malia doesn't answer his question. Mainly because she knows that he's right. She get so into hiking and adventuring everyday, that she has failed to notice anything else around her. She hasn't returned her family's calls for months, she just sends the same text, "Sorry, I'm really busy. I'll be in touch soon."

She never even realized that how far gone she really was. She doesn't have any friends, she hasn't been on a date in forever, and suddenly the realization hits her that she's all alone. She has pushed everyone that ever cared for her away for her own selfish reasons ad she is completely and utterly alone. And it's suddenly all too much to bear because before she can even realize what she's doing, she begins to cry.

She tries to cover her face before Luke sees her, to save herself from further embarrassment, but he sees her.

"Hey, whats wrong? Crap, I didn't mean to make you cry." Luke said, standing up and coming towards her.

He sits down beside her and wipes her tears away, "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. I mean, its's just, what you said was completely true. I don't notice anything anymore, I'm so selfish. I have pushed everyone I love away without even realizing it. My family, my friends, and I've ruined some chances of meeting some really cool people." Malia told him, instantly feeling better once she got that off her chest.

"I am so sorry, Malia. I didn't know, I just thought-" He began, but cut himself off and added, "You know what? It doesn't matter what I thought because your obviously not stuck up and I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, you were right. You helped me to realize all the wrong I was doing with my life." She said, trying to smile but she couldn't stop the few more tears that escaped her eyes.

But, Luke was quick to wipe them away as soon as she shed them.

"Hey, it's okay. Your family and friends will forgive you, yeah? And as for meeting cool people, you just met a pretty cool person didn't you?" He smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah," she smiled "yeah I did."

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