Letter 1

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In which a boy writes to each person he's dated.

Amanda, You were great. Little possessive I'll admit but it was cute. Did you think I was going to get stolen away by other girls? Ha you we're wrong, actually if you saw who I was last with you'd probably go insane on me. But it's ok right? There you are living the dream in New York, I'm sorry to disturb your perfect bubble of happiness but I wanted to say one last goodbye.  - Adam

Riley, You were probably my favourite girlfriend. Although the time we dated was short you helped me find Levi and became my best friend. For that you to will always have a place in my heart. I'm such a romantic aren't I? I want to be remembered here riley. If someone forgets me I give you full permission to tackle them to the ground and tell them about me until I'm a tattoo on their brain. I'll miss you a lot riley, sometimes maybe even more the Levi ( don't tell him I said that) I guess this is goodbye. - Adam

Levi, you we're the one that made the largest impact on my life. I'm sorry I ended it the way we did. If I ever came back would you forgive me?  Or have I already been forgiven? Because I already forgave you. I decided before I leave I don't want to hate anyone anymore, I know you won't agree with what I'm about to do but it must be done. And I also know that you will probably hold a grudge against everyone that ever hurt me, I don't want you to. I don't know where this is going anymore, but I'm thankful that I ever got to meet you. You made me discover things about myself that I couldn't explore with any girl. And for that you will always be in my small heart. - Adam

She needed a hug.
She reached for the phone.
He threw up.
Adam was gone.

I'm thinking of doing letters to his family next...
Do you know what Adam is going to do?
What did you think of the letters?
I admit, originally I was think about having him date a TON of people but then I had an idea. This collection of letters will be connected to my story As The Sky Falls. However one of the main characters will be Levi not Adam.

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