Letter 2

16 2 0

Mom and dad, you guys were pretty good parents at the start. But I guess when I came out it all just kinda all crumbled right? We didn't talk, we just went through the motions. What you didn't understand was that I'm still the same person, I just love the same gender. I know you weren't happy when I brang home Levi but did you really have to act in such a way? Dad when you bring over a woman when mom isn't home I don't go and chase them out of the house with a piece of the wine bottle in hand from the one I tried to throw at your new "girl". Not only is that cheating it's gross, I mean like some of them were just 18, and let me tell you it was not easy to sleep when that is coming through the thin walls. Mom, don't pretend you didn't think I knew you were cheating on dad either. Never mind about cheating with anyone you were cheating with your boss, did you get a raise for that? I know you weren't as mad at me as dad was, but I'm as mad at you as I am at dad. So now that you both know you both were cheating on each other what are you going to do? Hurt me for telling? But if you're reading this you probaly can't  anymore. One problem money can't fix huh?

She cried.
He yelled.
Adam was gone.

What did you think?
This was a little bit more of a heavy letter.
Do you know what Adam is going to do yet?
What did you think of Adam telling off his parents like that?

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