(~I'll Be By Your Side~) Laxus x Reader

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Your POV
You were standing in the rain without anything to cover you from it, You just walked aimlessly in it with your head bowed down, Your bangs were covering your eyes while you cried, You were just walking around without knowing the destination.

It took less than a second before you lost everything right in front of your eyes... Your family, your friends, your house and village... Everything...
The last words from your mother repeating in your head


"Y/n Run and don't look back! We will be right behind you Sweetie" but when you looked behind you they weren't there... You ran back as fast as you could but saw nothing... No sight of life anywhere... You only saw disaster... Houses burning... Before you could see anything more you felt how your body became weak and how your eyesight became blurry and black...

*Flashback Ends*

And now your just walking around aimlessly... People stared at you... But you could care less... You had just lost everything... You felt how everything started to become blurry again and how the corners of you sight became black... You fell down onto the ground... Just sitting there and looking down... Some seconds later you could hear a very feminine voice and 3 masculine voices in the background asking if you were okay... The last words fading as you passed out

Laxus POV
We were heading towards the guild after a job, It was raining but we didn't care that much about it, We just kept in walking, Besides we were almost at the guild anyways.

Evergreen and Bickslow/Bixlow was fighting about something as usual, And Freed joined them pretty soon too, Then Evergreen said some random comment about a girl that was sitting on the ground and pointed towards what she meant.

Evergreen started walking towards the girl and we followed her there.

"Are you okay?" Evergreen said with a worried voice.

"Are you hurt?" Freed soon said after a while since you didn't answer Evergreens question.

"Hey, Are you okay?" Bickslow/Bixlow asked.

"Hey girly, Are you just gonna ignore us? You could atleast answer..." I said getting kind of irritated.

Then we saw how the girl fell onto the ground, I took her up and carried her bridal style towards the guild.

*Time skip (In the guilds Infirmary)*

Me, Mirajane, Gramps, Wendy and Evergreen were the only ones in the room. We all watched as Wendy used her magic to see her condition.
About 5 minutes later was Wendy done, She said with a soft voice that there was nothing wrong with the girl she was just tired and exhausted.
We talked some more about the matters around the girl then gramps and everyone except me went out, Since they had stuff to do. So I stayed since Mira said that somebody should stay with her in case she wakes up.

*time skip (At night)*

Your Pov
You woke up in a dark and quiet room, You looked around the room and saw something beside your bed.
You quietly studied the person, You could make out a few details in the darkness. The person seemed really muscular, I quietly sat up and then I moved closer towards the person.
I reached with my hand towards the person. And when I was just about to touch him he grabbed my hand and said "What are you doing" and I got really scared like seriously I thought he was sleeping... So I let out a little yelp when he grabbed my hand so suddenly. So I quickly muffled out a "I'm sorry". And he just let it go and looked away, I didn't know what was wrong with me, I unconsciously put my hands on his cheeks and made him turn my way, I just stood there staring into his grey eyes. I didn't know why I just had done that, But I immediately took my hands away and looked away while mumbling a short "Sorry".
What surprised me was that he gently placed a hand under my chin and made me face him, And then he pressed his lips against mine, All I could feel was the warmth. A warmth that made my heart melt and go thumping, I started to cry unconsciously, I guess I missed it, Something that made me go warm inside...

I'm sorry it took so long time, But lots have happened lately, I switched school because of different circumstances and I broke up with my boyfriend and yeah... I hope you will forgive me, And I hope you liked reading this!

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