"He Unexpectedly Came and Unexpectedly Left ..."

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                    I’m a certified loner all my life. Never talked to any kids of my age, nor played with them. In short, I’m a “nobody”. I’ve been living on my own since I was a kid, only depending on myself and no one else. I love my parents - they’re both very proud of me because I excel a lot in school, never failed to put myself on top 1 in my class every school semester. I may be that smart, but because of that, no one dares to become my friend, nor get close to me. I know my life is as miserable as hell coz I’m all alone, but I’m happy and contented. I’m happy being with me and only me.

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                My life suddenly changed when this guy came along. I was sitting under the big cherry blossoms tree reading my books when suddenly a voice from somewhere approached me.

                                "Is it okay if I can sit here?"

                I looked at him. I saw him smiling back at me. That was the very first time when someone approached me and smile at me. I don’t know but suddenly I feel something inside - that there’s lots of butterflies flying inside my stomach. I nodded, telling him that I agree that he can sit beside me. With that cheeky smile registering on his face together with his cute, deep dimples on both his cheeks, he seated beside me and started leaning his back against the tree. I look at him secretly, trying to see what he’s doing. I was so surprised that he was now having a kip. Instead of feeling annoyed, I stare at his face while he’s still sleeping. I tried to look at him closely. I can’t deny the fact that he’s an utter cutie, that every girl can’t resist to fancy him because of his red, kissable lips and those rare, long eyebrows plus his rosy cheeks that adds up to his cuteness. As I was staring at him, my heart starts to beat. It beats faster and faster while I can feel that my cheeks start to blush. I don’t know, but I feel absolutely happy while I’m staring at him. Not long till suddenly he open his eyes and he then stare back at me. Shocked, I quickly leaned my back against the tree and instantly take off my eyes from him, looking at the book I’m reading instead. I hear him laughing, saying:

                                "Why are you so shy? Don’t be, coz you don’t have to."

                I didn’t answer back. Instead, I just take a wee glance on him. I saw that sweet smile again on his lips and his dimples while he’s still staring back at me. Still shy, I take off my eyes from him but inside, I feel this different but profound kind of feeling while a shy but sweet smile slowly starts to get visible on my lips as well as happiness were now tickling and invading my fragile heart.

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                We started chatting since that day. He always sits beside me under that big cherry blossom tree more often. He’s a witty joker, that’s why there’s no time I can’t burst myself to laugh at his jokes and funny phrases he used to tell. He never, ever missed nor fails to make me laugh every time we’re together. We as well, share our own thoughts and dreams, that he was actually wanting and dreaming a quiet and simple life away from the “cruel world” he was living – away from the eyes of every people who are fond of following his life and then writes some rubbish reports about him. He actually didn’t state who he really is or what he means by what he said. All I know and all I feel was I’m happy every time he’s around – that, I feel so alive every time I hear his voice. That was the very first time I chatted to someone, someone who can fully understand me and the way how I feel - that I can fully share my happiness and worries, my thoughts and the way how I see what life is. Unbeknownst to him, I started to gain this feeling I’ve never, ever felt in my life before. I don’t know if this is the thing they called LOVE, but for me, seeing and talking to him makes me feel the utter happiness that I’ve never, ever felt before.

Unrequited Love (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now