Chapter seven~ Bullies

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(Nashi's P.O.V)

I just got done with typing up a paper for Biology, when I got a text message from an unknown number.


Hey Crystal, it's me Silver. I was wondering if you'd like to... Well... Meet up tonight at my place. Wear something nice ;)

Silver? As in Silver Fullbuster texting Crystal? (I can't think of a last name at the moment) Is he asking her out on a date? Tonight? I wonder if he's got the wrong number... But it shouldn't come in as unknown unless he's got a new phone...

I texted the number I have made as a contact in my phone.

Nashi: Hey Silver. Did you by any chance get a new phone?

No reply.

I was getting ready for bed when Silver had replied.

Silver: Nope... I've always had this same phone

Nashi: oh.. Well I've gotten a text from an unknown number and they said it was you

Silver: strange...

Nashi: well... Gn

Silver: gn❤️


I woke up and I've gotten a bunch of texts.


Hey Crystal, I enjoyed last night. I learned a lot about you and I can't wait to meet again

3:45 pm

Hey... Have your phone out cause I'm gonna be texting you in class... The bio teacher doesn't give a crap about the students

12:56 am

Okay... Love you <3

1:20 am

What... I'm going to ignore this until I get to class... I got dressed and headed to the kitchen where I had toast. Mom and Dad were still sleeping so I tried to leave quietly. I got on the bus and stared at my phone.

Once I arrived, I put my phone in my backpack and got out. Standing in front of the school's entrance was Megan and her friends. I tried my best to ignore them but they ended up talking to me anyway.

"Hey dipwad, how'd you sleep last night?" Megan asked, followed by a snicker from the group. I tried to walk past them, but Megan grabbed my arm. "Hey, you know the rule. I ask you answer." She said. "You also know this rule... We're done. So I'm gone." I yanked my hand out of her grip.

When it come to come backs, I may not have the best... But you know what I mean. I need to learn how to tell Megan that we can't hangout anymore without causing a whole dramatic scene. It was lunch period... And I sat all by myself in the back. "Aw. If it isn't little Miss Lonely. Where's that white haired bitch you always sit with?" I groaned. I didn't need a little visit from Crystal right now...

"What's the matter? Not talking, eh?" She asked. She sat next to me. My head was down so I couldn't really see what she was doing. I suddenly fell and landed on the ground... Hard. I let out a soft scream and the whole cafeteria was laughing. At this point I wanted to cry... I wanted to tell someone but that'll make things worse... And by worse I mean bringing my parents into this...

I figured it was Crystal who had shoved me off the bench just to get a good laugh out of it. I lay on the ground until I saw an outstretched hand. I looked up and saw Silver. I reached for his hand, but I fell back down, causing everyone to laugh again. Silver had picked me up and sat me down on the bench. "You okay?" He asked.

I wanted to say yes but I just couldn't say anything... "Nashi?" "Give her a break, Silver. She obviously doesn't want to talk to you." Crystal said. I looked at him and forced a smile. "I'm okay..." I said in almost a whisper. Instead of saying 'okay' or 'okie dokie', he hugged me. That was actually what I needed at the moment... Thank you.

"Silver... I've been meaning to ask you... Have you been texting Crystal lately?" I asked. "No. In fact, we never talk." He replied. Then who's been texting me all this time?


After school, I didn't come home right away. I took a walk to the park near my neighborhood. I love to just sit on the swings and watch the leaves fall and listen to the birds sing. But when I got there, it was all destroyed and torn up. There were no storms and it wasn't under construction.

Great... My only happy place destroyed. I had no choice but to go home. I walked around the block until I reached home. "Mom, Dad, I'm home..." I said wearily. I put my bag near the coat hanger and took off my shoes. I went into the living room and sat on the couch. "Honey, is something the matter?" I looked around and saw mother. She came and sat next to me.

"Nothing... I'm just... Tired. That's all." I replied. She shook her head. "I know something's wrong. I can see it. Tell me, you can tell me anything... You know that, right?" She said to me. I sighed. "It's just... Megan and Crystal are giving me a hard time at school. And I wanted to tell someone but I also didn't want to..."

"Now that you did, do you feel a bit better?"

"I guess... Thanks."

I smiled and hugged her. Once she left I realized that I had forgotten to tell her about those mysterious texts. Speaking of which...


Hey Crystal, I've been thinking for a while... And I wanted to know if you want to be my girlfriend

I feel like it's about time I replied.

Nashi: hey... I think you've gotten the wrong number... This is Nashi Dragneel

No reply...


I kept on telling myself that today would be better. I walked into class, seeing everyone glaring at me. And something else caught my eye. Megan and Crystal are actually talking to each other. But... I thought Megan hated her guts.

"Hey Nashi! Or should I say Little Miss Nude Pants?" Megan snickered.


"Don't play fool, Nashi. Megan's just reminding you of your silly little 'decision'."

"My what?"

"Ugh. Don't you remember?! Check your Facebook."

What for, though? I checked anyways... And to my surprise, there was a... Well... Picture of me... "I never even take pictures like these! Someone obviously hacked my account! I would never do this! I swear!" I yelled. I had to delete that... I don't know who would do this to me... Unless...

"Don't play fool. We know that was you." Crystal smirked.

I'm starting to think its Megan and Crystal. They're testing me... Waiting for me to snap... Then they're gonna strike. "I want both of you to know something... I may not catch on quick, but you can't play me for a fool. I know your game. You can keep trying but I've caught on now. Fake texts. Fake pictures. How much time do you put into bullying people? You being you I'd expect both of you to know when there is a limit." I said.

Everyone was silent. I know that this won't come to a stop... But at least I'm speaking up for myself... I now have no choice but to fight back.

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