Downhill Dunk Challenge - Jai

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Prompt: Could you do a prompt where Beau and Luke won't let Jai do the downhill dunk challenge, so he does it anyway and gets really hurt and the brothers get really angry, lots of fluff and cuddles.


"No Jai, we can edit it out" I said to my younger brother

"We can't it won't make sense" Jai argued "I won all of the rock paper scissors I have to do this by default"

"Let do it!" Jai shouted just trying to show off to Jack and Jack and showing up to the camera.

"No Jai" Luke argued taking the chair off him "I can edit it out, or we can just say the chair broke"

Jai didn't reply he just snatched the chair back and headed up the hill

I sighed and ran after him knowing there was no way of reasoning with him. I made sure he had all of the pillows strapped tightly to him and that Jack and Jack were holding the mattress in the right place.

"If you fall, fall onto your elbows okay?" I asked

"Okay" He replied confidently.

I reluctantly let go of the chair and watched as Jai rolled down the hill. It was going well until he hit the mattress along with half of the wall of the house.

I sprinted down the hill to him where he was groaning in pain

Jack and Jack were laughing and one of them pulled the chair out from under Jai roughly

"Don't do that" I yelled at them as Jai's groans increased.

I crouched down next to him

"Where does it hurt" I asked

"My leg, the one I fell on" He said

I took off his helmet and the padding on his arms and gently helped him to sit up. I scooped him up in my arms and into the living room. Luke followed me and kept everyone else out. I took Jai's shoe off and gently touched it

"Ow" Jai groaned and pulled away from me

"Sorry, does it feel broken? Do you want to go to the hospital?" I asked

"No" He said

"It's probably a sprain then" I said trying to reassure him.

I walked into the kitchen and found the first aid kit. I brought it over to Jai and rolled up his trouser and tightly bandaged it. When I was done I scooped him up again and took him to his room and I tucked him into bed with his ankle on a pillow. Luke followed behind me and then carefully placed a bag of frozen peas on his ankle.

Luke got up off the bed and the movement made Jai wimper

"We warned you" I said

"I know I'm sorry, I just wanted to prove myself" He said quietly.

I went over and sat on the end of his bed

"Why do you need to prove yourself?" I asked

"Because I'm always the most boring in every video" He said with his head hung down

"What" Luke said looking up

"No Jai" He said as he came over and also sat on Jai's bed but on the other side.

"You're not boring Jai, don't ever think that, you're just as important as all of us" I said gently

"Besides, you're my twin, anyone remotely like me isn't boring" Luke said causing Jai to smile

"Will you stay with me" He asked

"Of course" Luke and I said.

I put a movie on and we both got into bed with Jai.

"How's the ankle" I asked

"It's okay now" He said as he nestled into my side.

Jai spent the next two days in bed with Luke, James, Daniel and I tending to his every need. When he was well enough he cooked us all breakfast to say thank you for looking after him.

When we uploaded our next video Luke and I made special effort to read Jai all of the nice comments we found.

Sorry it was a bit short I wanted to get it done as fast as I could.

Can I please please please have another prompt from someone so I can update the next chapter???

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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