Chapter one-The Beginning

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Wow I am actually back after so long, anyways this is my first chapter to my knew book I hope you like it, thank you for reading, lets get started!

Italic= Thoughts

~Start of chap~

~Video entry one~

" name is casey, I just made this to help people in my situations...I don't know what to really say"

I look into the camera...I don't even feel like this video blog will even help...I keep talking into the camera, as if I am actually talking to anyone,

"Anyways, I am 15, I got to Brooks High School, I have two best friends, Bailey and Rachel, I like science I guess...I'm not really good at math, but I am good at history, its really easy,"

I give a faint laugh,

"Well, I think that's enough for this video blog I guess, goodbye for now" I turn off the camera and grab my phone.

I see the word "Haiiii" on my notifications, Its most definitely Rachel, I click on the notification and read all the other "Hai" and "Hi's" she sent me.

Wow it is Rachel, who would have knownnnn?!?!

I laugh to myself then after a while I reply

"Hey Rachel" about 4 seconds later she responds.

"FINALLY" I read then reply,

"Wow someone really wanted to hear from me XD" I wait for a response

"Lol no, I just needed to know what the homework was" I sigh, I knew it, why did I ever think she actually wanted to talk, she always does this.

"Oh well I didnt get it either, sorry" I lied...I just couldn't talk to her right now, she just wants to talk about herse-i get interrupted mid thought by the ring of my phone, I look at the contact,Rachel, again, oh my god is she this desperate. I answer the phone.

"Hey" I say as I feel her planning her stupid story to try and get attention.

"Hey, what are you doing" she says practically yelling into the phone, I move my phone further from my head.

"Umm, I was actually about to eat right now" I say trying to get her off my back.

"OK good, nothing important" I roll my eyes and cringe, the sound of her ignorance makes me roll my eyes so far over they feel as if they are going to fall out.

"Rachel what do you want?" I say planning out ways in my head to drop kick her.


"RACHEL WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT." I practically yell at her through the phone.

"Omg calm down" I almost hang up my phone and throw it at the wall.

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