Chapter 7

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Kayla POV: I unlocked my phone and saw a text from my mom:

'Hey you little bitch, your father wants you back, so you're coming home tonight.'

What??? No! I don't want to go home!!! I run into the bathroom and burst into tears. I text my mom back:

'No. I'm not coming home to your house. I live with Maya now, and I already have such a better life than I did living with you.'

I press send, and then search for a blade, to try and stop the tears. I find a bag of disposable plastic razors, take one out, and stomp on it. I pick up one of the blades, and am about to cut my wrist when my phone vibrates. It's a response from my mom:

'I'm your mother and you will do what I fucking say, you nasty ugly bitch. You know Maya and her mother will soon realize what a fat burden you are, you probably already ate all of the food in their house, didn't you? You are coming home tomorrow and that's final.'

I start crying harder, and now I'm really angry. I respond:

'No you are not my mom! You may have given birth to me, but Mrs. Walsh is more of a mom to me than you are or ever have been! I refuse to live with you again, and if you try to report me as a runaway, they will find out how you abuse me and arrest you!'

I press send, and grab the blade. I press it against my skin, and slowly glide it across my wrist, watching the blood come out. I do this about 5 more times, and I feel better. I've stopped crying, and I feel my phone vibrate again.

'Fine! But don't come crying to me when they realize what an ugly, fat, worthless slut you are.'

I delete the messages and lock my phone, not responding to my mother's last text. My wrists have stopped bleeding, so I clean them up, put on my jacket, put some more makeup on, and walk out with a fake smile on my face.

Maya POV: Kayla was in the bathroom for awhile, but I didn't really think much of it. She looked happy enough when she came out, so I figured everything was fine. We got started setting up her phone. We downloaded twitter, Instagram, tumblr, gifboom, vine, keek, kik, candy crush, words with friends, wattpad, and a few other apps. We also downloaded lots of music. We decided to share an apple account so we could share the music instead of buying it twice. Once we finished that, it was 9:00, and I realized we hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I decided to make us some pasta.

Kayla POV: after we finished setting up my phone, Maya realized we hadn't eaten dinner yet. Dang it. I was hoping she wouldn't notice. To make it even worse, she decided to make pasta. Ugh. That's pretty much carb heaven, or hell in my case... She set the pasta on the table; fettuccine Alfredo, the most fattening pasta. She starts eating right away. I envy her, being able to eat like that and still be so pretty and thin. Then I remember that she struggled with an eating disorder before, and that I was going to try and get better for her. I take a bite, instantly feeling disgusting. I can literally feel it turning into fat. Then the voices come. I had managed to avoid the voices the whole time I was with Kayla, even when my mom was texting me. I even managed to eat a salad for lunch without the voices interfering. I guess being around someone who I know loves and cares about me helped to keep the voices away. But the fattening pasta was just too much, and they came back. 'You fatty, are you really going to eat all of that?' 'Dont be such a pig!' 'You're going to get even fatter, and Maya won't even want to be seen with you!' "STOP IT!!! GET OUT IF MY HEAD!!!" Maya looked at me with a mixed expression of worry and understanding. She got up, walked over to me, and pulled me into a big hug. "It's gonna be ok, we'll get through this together." "I know thank you, Maya. I will get better for you. After all you've done for me, I owe you at least that much." She goes back to her seat and starts eating again, giving me an encouraging look. I manage to eat half of it, and Maya seems really proud of me. I've never known what it's like to have someone be proud of me. I like it. I'm determined to keep this food down and let it digest. Maya and I decide to watch Toy Story, and about halfway through, I fell asleep.

Maya POV: I'm sooo proud of Kayla today. She managed to eat lunch and dinner! And I'm pretty sure she didn't purge either of them. That's really good progress for someone that deep into an eating disorder. Kayla fell asleep in the middle of Toy Story, so I turned it off. I had mainly put it on to distract Kayla from the voices, since I know what that's like. I really want to go to the beach tonight, but I don't want to leave Kayla, incase she wakes up in the middle of the night and needs to talk. I decide to leave her a note:


Don't worry, I'm just at the beach. If you need to talk, I have my phone with me, so you can text and call me. Please don't do anything stupid. I love you so much. See you in the morning. :)



I'm sorry I haven't updated in a looong time. I've been really busy. I hope you enjoyed it :) please vote and comment.

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