Chapter 9

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Cry’s P.O.V

The next few days flew by. I handed in my resignation to the game store and it seemed my boss couldn’t wait to get rid of me, said there was a list of students who wanted my job. I wasn’t that surprised, nor was I all that bothered that he practically cheered me out the door. I had another place to go to and I seemed much more welcome at the club. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy video games but playing them and selling them are very different things. Plus, with the salary I get from the club, I’ll actually be able to afford to get some, even without the discount from my old job.

Almost every day I was left amazed, stunned by how wonderfully things had worked out, how lucky I was to have crossed paths with Pewds, to have gotten this job at the club and to, surprisingly, enjoy it. I was there almost every night and the whole ‘masked mystery’ had become a bit of a hit, if I say so myself, and as I sat on the bar at 11am, mask at my side and trying to suppress laughter as Ken grabbed Pewds and began dancing around the deserted club with him, I could hardly think of a place I’d rather be.

We were preparing for tonight after Pewds told me they had a live band booked to play tonight. I’d never heard of them before but that was probably because they were local and I was new, and although I thought their name was a little strange; Jundus, I was pretty excited.

“Cry,” Ken called when Pewds managed to escape from him. Ken signalled me over to the small stage they’d set up and I jumped off the bar. “Hook these mics up,” he told me and I gladly did it. Luckily, I knew my way around a microphone.  

“The band should be here around 9 tonight,” Pewds said and I glanced over at him, seeing him staring intently at his phone and leaning against the bar.

“I’m going to blame you if they’re late,” Ken told him as he played around with the speakers lining the side of the platform. Pewds was about to say something when a small, uniformed lady came from the toilets. I’d met her a few times; she was one of the three cleaners who came every morning to clean up the mess from the night before.

“We have a bit of a blockage,” she informed them, holding up one yellow gloved hand and pointing into the ladies bathroom.

Ken and Pewds exchanged a look before Pewds ran over to me and grabbed the wire I’d been holding.

“Well, I’m busy. Ken, go sort it out,” he cried, leaving Ken to sigh and follow the lady into the bathrooms. As soon as he disappeared I took the wire back and went back to work, ignoring whatever Pewds was telling me about. I needed to get this done so I could get a few hours sleep before tonight.

“Who’s working tonight?” I asked, cutting him off. There were a few other bartenders and I got on with most of them, especially Minx. That lady was hilarious and I always liked it when she came in. She seemed to have similar hours to me so we’d found ourselves together during the past few days, and since Ken and Pewds often ended up dealing with things in their office I’d had plenty of chances to speak with her.

“I’m not sure. I think Minx is coming in, plus Ken and I will be behind the bar tonight. Sorry we haven’t been around much lately,” he replied.

“It’s alright.”

“If it was up to me I’d be down here all the time but there’s stuff that needs to be done to keep this place running,” he explained but I just smiled and shook my head. “What?”

“Nothing,” I chuckled.

“What?” he asked again with a little more force.

“It’s just strange, me working for you.”

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