Romano X Reader- Airplanes

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My bae~ yee~ I'm writing about dis hottie. So you and Lovi are both teenagers in this (most fics I do you'll be teenagers cause its easier for me, being as I am a teen). Also everyone I show in these fics you will be human a lot not Countries. I'm not gonna do accents cause its easier not to.
Your POV-
"Lovino!" I shouted excitedly. I got no response so I kept yelling his name.
"Lovino! Lovino! Lovino! Lovino! Lovi-" I was interrupted by the irritated Italian himself.
"What! What! What!" He said clearly bugged by me annoying him.
"I just wanted to get your attention you seem off," I said concerned. He took a deep breathe looking very hesitant about telling me.
"You can tell me Lovi, what are friends for," I said, even though I myself wanted to be more than that. He cringed when I said friend, then said:
"I have to go to back to Italy for a few weeks, so we won't be able to go to the opening of that frozen yogurt shop you wanted to go to next week," he said to me. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart because I was planning on telling him I liked him that day.
"Its ok Lovi, you can't control what your parents do," I said.
"You sure bella?" He asked noticing my disappointed face.
"Yeah, I'll be fine Lovi. When are you leaving?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning," he said.
"Oh," I replied. Lovino's phone binged meaning he got a text. He checked it real quick and locked his phone.
"I gotta go, my mom wants me to finish packing," he said, Ciao," he said before leaving my house. I sighed sadly, and decided to try a diy I saved on youtube. (A/N: this one it works really well!

(A/N: the bath bomb)
~Time skip to when you've made the bath bomb~
       "It smells like peppermint and raspberries in mah house!" I said happily.  (A/N it doesn't have to be that scent thats just what I did, also I recommend adding more water to where you can squish is to a solid shape for the bath bomb it makes it less crumbly)  I heard the door open and a loud yell signaling my little hermana Cierra was home. (A/N: you get my oc little sis in this you pretty much take my place. I'm not really Antonio's little sister but in other fics where its not Romano X Reader and I appear thats who I'm related to)
    "Yee! Hey hermana!" She said hugging me.
    "It smells good in the house," she mumbled into my shoulder. I giggled at my sisters childish behavior. She let go as my big hermano Antonio walked inside.
     "Hey hermana! He said happily. " It smells nice in here," he said.
      "Yes it does! I like da smell!" Cierra said with a big goofy grin on her face.
       "Marcello is gonna be gone for two weeks!" She pouted.
        "Yeah so is Lovino," I replied solemnly.
        "Have you told him you love him yet," she asked.
        "No have you told Marcello you love him," I replied.
         "No..." She replied.  I put the stuff I used to make the bath bombs away and set the molds I used that had bath bomb dough in it in a safe place and went to go wash my hands. I came back seeing my brother already making dinner.
        "Mom gonna be home late again?" I asked.
         "Yeah," Antonio replied, continuing to cook.
~Time Skip to the next day at night~

(A/N: listen to this for the rest of the oneshot) I looked out my window looking at the stars sadly. 
        "I miss you Lovino..." I said tearing up. I unlocked my phone and texted my best friend Emily.
You: hey Em's
Emily: hey (Nickname) wasup?
You: I really miss Lovino....
Emily: it will be ok love, he'll be back soon.
You: I know I just really miss him.
Emily: well love, love is a strange thing sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it doesn't.
You: yeah.
Emily: you should get some sleep hopefully that will help.
You: thanks Em's.
I locked my phone and plugged it into the charger, placing it on my night stand then closed my eyes and tried to sleep.
~Time Skip to the day Lovi comes back~
I got home from school and rushed into my bedroom and checked my phone to see if Lovino has texted me is home so I can go over. Nothing. Just as I was about to pout my phone binged signaling I got a text. I unlocked my phone to see it was Lovino. I typed in the passcode and read the text.
Lovino: I'm home bella you can come over. I screamed with joy as I ran out the door across the street to my best friends house. I knocked on the door and Marcello opened it.
        "Lovino's in his room," he told me.
         "Thanks," I said and walked upstairs to Lovino's room.
"Lovi!" I said glomping him taking him by surprise. I started crying.
"I missed you..." I said.
"I missed you too bella," he replied. He hugged me back tightly.
"Bella can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded as he took a deep breathe.
"Ti amo (Name)," he said. I stopped crying at looked him in the eyes to see him blushing.
"Yo también te amo!" I said too him kissing him. He was tense at first but slowly returned the kiss. He pulled away for air.
          "Will you be my girlfriend bella?" He asked smiling at me with adoration in his eyes.
          "Yes!" I replied happily as he kissed me again.
Fluffy fluff fluff! Ok so I hope ypu guys enjoyed this here are the the translations
Hermana/hermano: sister/brother
Yo también te amo: I love you too
Ok so Marcello is my OC he is Romano and Italy's little brother. Emily is also my OC she is England's little sister. She has a little sister named Annabelle also my OC. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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