Chapter 15

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"So what's your first lesson today?" I ask as we nearly reach school.

"Science, you?" He looks at me.

"Geography." I say as we reach the school gates.

"Hey!" A voice shouts ask we enter school.

"Hey Harper." Joshua waves "anyways bye!" Joshua waves again at both of us amd leaves to go to Brent.

"So I usually gag if someone says this but," she makes a disgusted face and closes her eyes "I ship A-A-Andishua!" She blurts outs as she fake gags.

"Who are you and where did you hide Harper!" I laugh as she playfully glares at me.

"Anyways , exercise time!" She points at the steps and I groan as she snickers.

"Let's go!" I say as I roll my eyes.


I hate stupid science!

Our stupid teacher gave us stupid homework due tomorrow!


"Ok class you may go!" Our teacher says and all of us run out.

"Hey..." Sapphire says looking gloomy.

"You ok? I question.

"I don't want to talk about it, Harper you tell her." She says and walks away.

"What happened?" I asked Harper.

"She and Calvin broke up yesterday." Harper sighs.

"Why?!" I ask suprised.

"Calvin kissed another girl!" She rolls her hazel eyes.

"Never liked him anyways." I said.

My plan is going to be great.

"Let's eat lunch!" I say as I head down the steps.


Again my lunchbox was raided by Sapphire again.

"Stop it would you!" I shout at Rey who kept poking me.

"You guys dating or nah!" Rey shouts. As I roll my eyes.

"Nope." Joshua says coming from behind me.

"Thank you for answering." I say as my cheeks were flushing from embarrassment.

"Here ya go Joshua!" Harper says throwing him a bag of crisp.

"That's what I came for!" Joshua opens it and takes a crisp out, eating it.

He then walks back to his table.

"So new lover boy huh." Blake sits down next to Rey winking at me.

"Haha funny, he just came for Harper's crisps!" I say as he face palms himself.

"Anyways Saff are you sure you're ok?" I ask looking over to her kind of sulking face.

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