Chapter 1 - It Begins.

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*drawing done by me.*
Unknown's Perspective
I woke up in a room that I didn't feel secure about. Although the room looked somewhat soothing, somehow the creeps dug into my skin.

"Greetings, victims."
Said a Deep, male voice.

"Welcome to my death trap. You have spawned in a room that you are unfamiliar with, along with many other people. Your job is to survive Without getting slaughtered by the murderer.
Sheriff will know they are sheriff when they see a revolver on the counter.
Murderer will know that they are murderer when they see a knife on the counter.
Innocents will know they are innocent when there is absolutely nothing on the counter. Your job is to survive, and report any news or accusations to the sheriff.
Sheriff will get executed if they shoot an innocent.
Good luck, and let the games begin!"
The deep voice laughed. There must've been an intercom in my room, so maybe that is why I can hear that stranger.

I wanted to make sure who I was during this slaughtering game. I hated this place. I didn't even want to be in this game. But considering now that I can't leave, I may just live with it.

I saw something sharp laying on the counter. At first I thought it was just my imagination.

But I was wrong.

Laying there was..

No, it couldn't be.. Oh god no..

A Knife.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the knife. I can't kill people. I couldn't afford to hurt anyone... But if I don't do my job, I am automatically killed...

I feel sympathy boiling inside me.

I had to do what must be done.

Unknown's Perspective.

I honestly didn't care who I was. Sheriff, murderer, innocent, whatever. I checked the counter to see whom I would be.

There was a gleaming revolver on the counter.

I took it carefully in my hands.

It was cold, smooth, and it felt weightless.

I ran my finger among the top part of the revolver, and the trigger.

I am sheriff.

I must protect the lives of these innocent people.

They rely on me, and I must show them that I can do my job correctly.

I set the revolver down in a safe place.

It was already midnight, so I decided to rest.

"You'll do good, I promise you.."

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