Chapter six: "Exorcism."

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Back in the lab, Dipper, and Mabel were guarding the cage awhile Ford looks through multiple books trying to find away to get rid of demons. Ford then came across something called an "Exorcism".

"Kids, I think I found something."

"Well read it Ford."

Ford then read alound what the book said. It was about a page long.

"Exorcism, meaning bastion demon. When performing an exorcism you need the following things. Holy water, a priest, rope, and the holy cross, and the bible."

"We could go to the Gravity Falls church?"

"Good idea."

"But, how will we move old demon butt over there?"


Just that Soos came down to check on every one. He thought he heard screaming, so he wanted to be safe.

"Hey dudes, I heard screaming, every thing okay?"

"Soos, can we use your pick up truck?"

"Yeah dude, no problem."

"Also, can you help us move this cage?"

"Oh sure."

"You're the best Soos!"

With that, Soos helped them get the cage out of the bacement and out the door of the shack. Soos loaded the cage into his pick up truck, and every one got in.

"So, where to bros?"

"The church, and fast!"

"You got it!"

Soos stomped on the gas, and quickly drove down the road. When they saw the church coming up, they felt a heavy weight was lifting off their shoulders. When they got there, they got the cage and carried it in side. The church in side was beautiful. The walls were painted white, the rows of wooden benches were covered with white sheets on them. In the very back of the church was a big colorful glass picture on the window.

"Kids I'm going to find the priest, you stay here with Soos."

"Dude worry Mr. Pines, I'll keep a good eye on them."

"Good, I'll be back soon."

Ford then walked to the back of the church, leaving the other three behind. Dipper kept praying for Wendy, hoping she was still in there. Mabel stood by his side, and put a hand on his shoulder. Blood Savage then started to laugh, and growl at the three. They weren't sure what he was so happy about.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Hahaha, how dumb you are."


"You really think you can get rid of me that easley?"

"We can try!"

"HA, I'm actually doing your friend a favor, now she won't have to listen to your nonsense!"

"Kids, I got the priest!"

Ford and the priest went up to the demon, and took him out of his cage. They tied him quickly, so he didn't attack. They brought him to the back of the church. When they got there, they placed Blood Savage in a chair and tied it with rope. The priest got his bible, and started reading.

"The power of Crist compels you!"


"The power of Crist compels you!"


"The power of Crist compels you!"

Finally Blood Savage snapped. He got out of the rope, and shot up into the priest face, biting his head. The priest went down to the ground, and Blood Savage then growled and laugh.

"Fools, I told you it would fail!"

"What, that's impossible!"

"No, only the person I control can defeat me, Hahaha!"

"Grab him!"

The group then trampled the demon making him fall to the ground. Dipper held him in a head lock, so he couldn't bite.

"Where is Wendy, tell me or I'll do something!"

"Why don't you join her?"


Then the demon shined a bright red light and then everything went dark. When Dipper awoke he had a collar around his neck. He was locked in a cage with no life to be found. Dipper started to panic but then he heard a familiar voice.

"Blood Savage, let me go now!"


Wendy turned her head to see Dipper in a cage next to her. Wendy was shocked but happy at the same time.


"Why are you here Dipper?!"

"Blood Savage brought us here!"


Just then Wendy looked to see Ford and Mabel and Soos in cages as well. Wendy was shocked to see them like that. She felt awful about having her friends have to pay the price for what she did. She started to cry. Dipper reached his arm as far as he could, and patted Wendy on the back. She turned to see him smiling at her. She gave a weak smile back before they heard laughter.

Author's note:

Sorry if this chapter is offensive to some readers, but let's remember it's just a story.

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