Summer Sunlight

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She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She could smell the fresh pine, clean air, bubbly stream....for a moment everything was perfect. "Lydia get your lazy ass over here!" And then that moment was over. The petite strawberry blonde walked to the back of her mothers sedan were her best friend Allison was struggling to carry the suitcase out of the trunk. She chuckled before grabbing her own and shutting the end. "You ready?" Allison asked her friend. Lydia looked at the brunette standing by her side and was hit with a sensation of just what she means to her. When Allison first moved to San Francisco the girls were in seventh grade. By then Lydia's bullying had been a contestant occurrence for quite some time. No one ever stood up for her...until Allison. She was immediately befriended by the popular girls and fit in quite nicely. However when she saw how they treated Lydia she told them to back off. Ever since she made it a point to hang with lydia instead. She knew why her friend was asking. Mrs.Martin had put this summer camp idea together as a intervention of sorts. A way to encourage Lydia to be more social and open, something she had (and never) would be good at. Truth was, no she wasn't ready to walk into a place where potentially more people could call her fat, ugly, a know it all; if she had the choice she would be in her room reading her collection of Alfred Hitchcock's personal favorites. But Ally couldn't know that. So Lydia Martin did what Lydia Martin does best. Pretend to be okay.

Honestly she just wanted sleep. Not walk to some zip-a-dee-doo-da campfire sing along. She's 17 for god's sake not 12! After checking in her and ally were directed to their cabin which they shared with two other girls. Kira an orential beauty with dark eyes the contrast her pale skin. She was quiet, mostly keeping to herself but caring and undeniably passionate. The other was a blonde girl named Erica who wore her skirts to short and tops to tight. She was the opposite of the other three, impulsive, loud mouthed, and sometimes just a little....well....Bitchy. Lydia quickly got to work unpacking and organizing her space which took most of her day. She had enough time to go see the forest before the dinner bell was sounded. And now here she was on her way to sing cumbaya because she didn't have any where else to go. She had just looked back for Allison who had stayed behind to help Kira find her friend Malia when it happened. She sharply turned around and walking face first into a chiseled chest on a boy who looked to be 5'11. Well there goes my shot at friends Lydia thought solemnly while apologizing profusely to the other boy. She wasn't expecting the boy to smile and reach out to help her off the ground. Or the electric sparks that tingled up her arm as the boy asked her name. "lydia " she stumbled out. Clearing her throat lydia repeated herself "Lydia Martin" with more finality, she certainly wasn't expect him to turn a wink as he told her his name was stiles and he'd be looking for her at the bonfire. (And no Lydia Martin did not blush or maybe give a little squeal).


Lydia was very rudely awakened by a rough shake to the arm and the loud blast of a horn. She mumbled incoherent strings of archaic curses before slowly opening her emerald eyes. She saw a smiling Allison standing over here holding what looked like yoga pants, a sports bra, and a fitted tank. "Allison?" Lydia muttered silently, "hmm" the other girl said with a grin "would you care to explain why I should get out of my bed during the sunrise?" "Because it's so pretty look Lydia, these purples and oranges! Beacon hills just contains some beauty we never see in the city." And while curiosity brimmed at the back of the strawberry blondes tightly shut eyes her sleep deprivation was stronger. So she took the more childish route. "You know what else is beautiful?" Allison turned her head to look at Lydia "the beautiful hawaiian boy who was so graciously keeping me company in dreams-ville." (She would never tell Allison the boy wasn't really hawaiian or that he prefers the name stiles.)"Lydia!" The brunette whined "You have to get up other wise we'll be late to the first outdoor activity." "All the more reason to stay." Lydia grumbled. However, Lydia Martin was many things but late was not one of them. So she threw off her toasty sheets and slipped on the clothes Ally had picked out. Her strawberry waves were pulled back into high ponytail and she slipped in her contacts before walking out to were Allison was putting on her sneakers. "You excited?" Ally asked with a grin. "Is there a reason I should be ?" Lydia shot right back. "Oh today's gonna be great, I just know it! I mean they couldn't possibly be put into the same group as us, in fact we probably won't even cross a single path with those ass-" Allison stopped suddenly. "Who's they?" Lydia asked with a shaky voice. Allison dropped her head and rushed out sentences about nothing in particular. Lydia knew Allison was hiding something from her, but she would figure it out after she had drank her morning cup of coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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