Chapter four: Kisses and Conundrums

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"The sharks are going to eat you all up" Maddie giggled at Mackenzie's shocked facial expression her jaw dropped
"We're not really going into the sea are we Mom?" Mackenzie questioned exasperated, looking up through her eyelashes. Melissa shared a look with Jill who was barely able to hold in her giggles. "Yes sweetie we are in fact going into the sea" Melissa spoke with a fond smile...Mackenzie's jaw dropped.

It turns out they weren't actually going into the sea which Kendall had go explain because Kenzie started a tantrum over how she didn't bring her snorkelling kit and she was going to catch pneumonia. She didn't like that word...pneumonia... It was such a secretive word with its silent p...she wondered what other secrets it was hiding!

Going into this dark tunnel, Mackenzie rested against the window pressing her face against it so her nose was squished against the glass. She could see it looming up ahead basking in all its darkness and mystery. That was where the Bogey monster lay in wait, vampires too probably! She could also see the sea and the beach but no sign of the Lady selling sea shells on the sea shore...adults can't be trysted cab they? But yeah they weren't actually driving in the sea no! They were going to be driving under the sea. Which was disappointing really because Mackenzie hoped to see the dolphins again like she did when the Ziegler's went to Florida last year.

Suddenly it all went pitch black Mackenzie could faintly hear Abby's say "hold your breath" As it all went pitch black Kenzie breathed in deeply. Her cheeks puffed out so she resembled Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. She wouldn't mind being a chipmunk, they didn't have any parents so they could throw loads of house parties...or should she say tree parties...because they lived in trees! "Kendall" Maddie suddenly screeched tripping over possibly Kenzies foot. Jill switched on her phone shining it to where Maddie's voice came from. Kendall had caught Maddie and had her arms wrapped tightly around the lighter brunettes waist pulling her flush against her chest. Maddie coughed and reluctantly stepped back from Kendall's hold. "We're just gonna go upstairs, the darkness is making me all dizzy'' she stuttered, blindly grabbing Kendall's hand and haphazardly heading up the winding staircase.

Mackenzie frowned and imagined that one of those thought bubbles like in cartoons had appeared and Clouseu was inside it telling her to follow them. So with trusty Scooby Doo sniffing out their trails and The pink panther guiding along gracefully, Kenzie made her way upstairs.

It was pitch black in the rooms as Mackenzie crept inside...she froze..her jaw dropped...even in the dark she could clearly make out the silhouettes of Maddie and Kendall...even with bus's rumbling she could still hear that sound...the sound when Maddie and Gino Kendall's bed were the pair...

Maddie straddled Kendall's lap and had her hands buried in Kendall's long locks which had previously been up in a bun. They were both breathing heavily and kissing not like how Mummy and Greg kissed but like how Movie Stars Kissed...passionately like in that boring soppy girly movie The Notebook, that made Mum all sniffly whenever she watched it!

Kendall had her hands on Maddie's hips and was kind of rocking her against her leg. Kendall wasn't a rocking chair, she was a human, Maddie should know better!

Mrs Miller had a rocking chair, it creaked when it rocked, she didn't rock on it though she sat on it and knitted stuff like scarves and boleros. Mackenzie particularly liked her own bolero it was purple. She shyly admired it one day stroking her hand against the soft wool. Abby's mom tried to teach her to knit but Mackenzie kept dropping stitches so that the stitches were all wrinkly and crooked. Her little hands got all sweaty so the pretty purple wool got all faded and gray.

Eventually Mrs Miller must have felt sorry because she took the bolero and when Mackenzie visited her the next week her bolero had been made! Her mom was allergic to the Angora wool so she wasn't very proud when she found out Mackenzie had started making it. Mackenzie found that the wool made her sneeze too but she wore it anyways, it smelt like Mrs Miller, it smelt of cooking and was all flowery like you know all those comforting smells you would associate with Nan's! Whenever she wore it she could imagine she was in a meadow full of daisies and dandelions and Buttercup's! With flower crowns in her hair and wild animals surrounding her!

But back to the pair! They were pressed flush against each other not an inch between them.
A soft moan escaped from Maddie's mouth and Kenzie jumped. Was she in pain?

Kenzie backed away slowly keeping her eyes on the kissing pair, wound around each other.
Kenzie stayed silent for the rest of the night. She didn't have a problem with it but she was just hurt that Maddie didn't tell her.

During the dinner Mackenzie studied Maddie and Kendall closely
Abby had unfolded this oak table when the driver parked at the bus stop for the night so everyone could eat their food without it spilling all over the place.
Mackenzie pretended to drop her fork and she crawled under the table. Across from her, Kendall and Maddie joined hands and Maddie had her palm on Kendall's thigh her thumb brushing the skin showing from her shorts fondly. Mackenzie gulped and her sweaty hands picked up her fork, banging her head on the table on the way back up.

During the news Maddie and Kendall lay on the bus seats. Kendall sat between Maddie's legs resting her head against her chest letting Maddie do her hair. Kenzie felt a pang of jealously. No one was allowed to do Kendall's hair...but there was Maddie brushing her hands through Kendall's silky locks.

Kenzie found a smile had spread across her face as she thought of what their wedding would be like. Kenzie wanted to have a pretty pink dress with those poofy shoulders like Giselle's. It would be made of silk and taffeta and she could wear her bolero. Maddie would wear a white silky dress with a wide floaty skirt that spread when you'd spin and Kendall would wear a black dress with a slit in the side because that was the trend right now.

Suddenly that smile slipped off and a frown replaced it. Who would come to their wedding? What will people say when they find out? If they find out...

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