Sophie x Gideon

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I do not own any characters, okay?

Sophie held a glass of water and scones as she came to check on Gideon. It was a rainy day of June 1923, and she could no longer bear the sight of seeing him grow weaker and weaker. He has been already too weak to leave his bed at that time. 

She pushed a dark lock of hair behind her eyes as she opened the door. He was resting again; his eyes closed. One day, there will be a time when his eyes will close, and never open again, she thought, and it pained her every time she did.

"Gideon?" she called out. He slowly opened his green eyes, looking for her. "Sophie, is that you?" She sat beside him on their bed and put his head on her lap. "Yes, it's me", she said softly.

He suddenly started coughing, and she suddenly thought of Jem, her first love. She couldn't help but wonder what would have happened with him and Tessa if he did not have his sickness. He wouldn't have to become a Silent Brother, then.

She would have thought of other things, such as how Tessa would deal with Will's death, since he would grow old while she would not, but Gideon was her priority now. 

"Here, take this" she said, giving him the glass of water. His eyes moved to the plate full of scones, and his eyes lighted up, remembering the moment they shared back then. He opened his mouth to say something, but more coughing ended up coming out. Her heart seemed to stop at this. No, it can't be, please.  She did not know if she could bear this. "S-Sophie," Gideon said. His voice was very thin now, and she thought of those times when he was still able to yell over the noise when they battled demons. "I-I do not have much time left".

"Gideon, no, don't say that", tears starting to form in her eyes. She held his hand, hoping that she could do the same with his life as well.  He touched the necklace that he had given her when they were married, as the wives of Shadowhunters didn't keep their husband's family ring after the ceremony, so he gave her a necklace instead. 

She put his head on her lap and cradled him, and they talked in faint voices of the memories only the two of them shared. They softly laughed about the little quarrel they had when she found scones under his bed, all the conversations, the picnic they had together. 

She noticed that he had gone quiet, and the fountain of tears started again. She enjoyed their times together and their beautiful two girls they had, and she promised to never forget any of them. Eyes red and puffy, she bent down to kiss him. His face lit up one last time, smiling faintly, eyes shining. Then they were closed.

"Ave Atque Vale, Gideon", she whispered.

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