The Job Interview

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The photo is of the main character Nevaeh Larson.
Hope you enjoy the story!

Nevaeh's POV:
It's my first day in Los Angeles, I mean I've been lived in Massachusetts my whole life but I've just turned 21 and I've just moved out. I studied Law at Harvard University and decided to pursue my search for a job in LA. I've heard great things about many different Law firms and on the plus side it's always beautiful weather here.
I'm currently in the lobby of an amazing building, it belongs to the top Law firm in LA known as Styles & Associates, it was created a long time ago by Mr Desmond Styles, but has since been taken over by his only son Harry Styles (also known as the richest bachelor in America) since Harry Styles took over the company it has become an amazing Law firm and very rarely loses a case. They are known for taking only cases they believe in. So I'm excited to be mentored by such an amazing boss.
"Miss Larson, Mr Styles is ready to see you know." A beautiful brunette said to me from the front desk.
"Okay, thankyou." I reply, and follow her to the elevator. "What floor?"
"Top floor, the woman at the desk is Stacy tell her who you are and she'll take you to Mr Styles' office" she says with a smile. She's lovely and smiley, not what I was expecting.
"Thankyou so much.. Erm?" Has she told me her name?
"I'm Layla" she replied with a smile.
"Thankyou Layla." I say as I walk into the elevator and press the 60th floor. Wow so many floors. I hum along to the soft piano playing through the speakers of the elevator.
As I got closer and closer to the 60th floor I began to get nervous, what if he doesn't like me? What if I make a complete fool of myself! Breath!
DING! "Doors opening"
I walk out to see Stacy at her desk on the phone where Layla said she'd be. I walk up to the desk and wait for her to be done.
"Hello, I'm Stacy. Who are you here to see?" She says with a British accent, she has long blonde hair and bright red lips.
"Hi Stacy, I'm Nevaeh Larson. Layla said it was okay for me to come up, I'm here to see Mr Styles for the associate position." I say as politely as I can. She smiles and then looks down at the files.
"Mr Styles has been talking about your résumé all day, he's been excited to meet you Miss Larson." She smiled. Wow, I guess it pays off staying in and studying rather than partying. I came out top of my class with job offers from all over. Not here though. "Come with me Miss Larson, I'll take you to his office now."
"Okay, thankyou Stacy." I followed her towards an office with frosted glass. Next to the door was a name plate that says "Harry Styles ~ Managing Partner" then his assistant stood.
"Stacy, Mr Styles has a client here. He'll just be a moment as it was a quick stop in." The young man smiled.
"Okay Matt, this is Nevaeh Larson. She's come for the 1st year associate spot." Stacy told him.
"When did we put a notice out for that? I didn't think we were taking on 1st years this year because of  the current state of Harvards' grades" Matt searched his desk for the hand out and showed Stacy.
"No, Mr Styles didn't ask Miss Larson to come. She sent in her résumé last week from Massachusetts and said she would move here only for this job. So Mr Styles told her to come in today." She smiles at me and I look down.
"Ohhh you're that girl! Mr Styles has been excited to meet the girl who was top of her class and also had outstanding grades, he was very impressed with you Miss Larson." Matt boasted.
That's when the client and Mr Styles walked out of the office "okay Mr Jobs, we'll talk more about this when you're next here and I'll get my investigator on it" Mr Styles said to Mr Jobs, I assume it's Steve Jobs the owner of Apple Inc.
"Okay, thankyou for your time Mr Styles I know you're busy." He then turned to me and Stacy "sorry for keeping him from you ladies, he's all yours now" he said with a smile.
"That's perfectly fine Mr Jobs, we were just talking to Matt so you're fine." Stacy said before I could reply. So I smiled at him to not be rude.
"Stacy, who do you have here then?" Harry asked looking at me then to her.
"Mr Styles, this is your 11 o'clock meeting, the young lady who sent her résumé in last week." Matt interpreted.
"Ahh, you're Miss Larson the Harvard student. You graduated last year correct?" Mr Styles asked.
"Y-yes sir." I stuttered. "It's lovely to meet you Mr Styles."
"You too, anyway come in and we will continue this interview in my office." He said walking into the large room. It was all black and white interior with a large, dark, wooden desk in front of the floor to ceiling window at the back of the room. To my left was a floor to ceiling book case that covered the wall, filled with law books, next to the door was a white leather sofa and a small glass table and then there were 2 file cabinets in the corner of the room.
"Wow this place is beautiful, and there's so many books" I say shocked at the design. I walked to the desk that Harry was now sat at and sat down on one of the chairs that I assume were for when clients come for meetings.
"I'll make sure to tell Matt that you approve. So Miss Lars-"
"Please call me Nevaeh, sir" I interrupt.
"Okay Nevaeh, what made you choose Styles & Associates?" He asked.
"Well, growing up I was moved around a lot, I had been in a few custardy battles in court and I loved being there it seemed right to me, then I met your father he was the Lawyer on one of my cases and he seemed to care unlike any other Lawyer and it really showed in court that he wanted to win not for the money but because he wanted my family to be happy. Ever since then I have wanted to be a Lawyer at this firm  I've worked so hard to be here, to prove to myself that spending my teenage years in my room studying was worth it" I said, meaning every word.
"Okay, here it says you've been doing jury duty since you were 18? Why's that?" He looked up from the his laptop to hear my answer.
"Yes, I wanted to see how court worked in many different cases, I managed to sit in on 3 murder cases and loads of drug cases a few abuse and some rape. It was a good way for me to be involved in the Law before I had my degree and while I was studying at Harvard." I replied remembering sitting in the jury room so many times doing all nighters and sometimes staying in there for 2/3 days.
"How has that helped you exactly?" He asked.
"Well that's allowed me to understand the way they work and how easy it is to lose a vote, it's helped me understand that it's upto them, I can't just make the judge believe me but also the jury which isn't always an easy job." I replied.
"Okay. Finally what do you think you can bring to Styles & Associates as a 1st year?" He finished with.
"Well, I believe I could bring passion and determination. In all the time I've worked in Law either in Harvard with mock trials or while I worked at a small firm in Massachusetts I haven't lost a trial, I work harder than anyone I know and I never lose a case that I believe in." I reply, trying my hardest to make a good last impression on Harry.
"Okay Nevaeh, I believe that is all I need to know, I will call you by the end of the day with my answer." He smiled, closing his laptop that he had been typing notes up on the whole time.
"Thankyou for your time Mr Styles." And with that I left the building.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'll be back soon with chapter two.
~ BritishGirl

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