The Call

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I couldn't help myself, I loved writing the first chapter I had to start the next..
Hope you like it..

Nevaeh's POV:
It felt like hours before he called, I was now home after a long day of shopping after the interview. I brought loads of normal house things as I've only just moved in.
It's around 7pm now and everything's been put away and I've just ordered dinner from dominos because I haven't been to the supermarket yet.
I ran to where the house phone had been mounted to the kitchen wall.
"Hello." I said, out of breath.
"Hello, this is Harry Styles is Miss Larson there." Harry said. I instantly knew his voice from the interview this morning.
"Yes, I'm here." I reply, trying not to laugh at the question because I live alone. Who else would answer?
"Ah! Miss Larson, myself and the other partners have decided to accept your request and give you the job! When can you start?" He said, I stood there too shocked to answer. "Nevaeh? You there?"
"Yes, sorry! I can start as soon as tomorrow if needed." I said in a hurry.
"Great, come to my office at 9am and I'll take you through everything." He said then hung up.
Oh my god! I have to call my mom! I dial the number in fast. Including Massachusetts state code.
"Hello, who is it?" She sounded half asleep but I knew and missed that voice as soon as I heard it.
"Mom, it's me." I say. Then I remember it's 11:28pm in Massachusetts at the moment. My mum would've been asleep at around nine. "Crap I'm so sorry for waking you up."
"Oh, Nevaeh. It's okay hunny I've been waiting for your call. How's LA baby girl? Have you heard back from that job yet? Also how was it?" She mumbled, I could hear she was trying to wake up.
"Oh mom I can call you in the morning if needed, it's late and you were clearly sleeping." I say, I didn't want to keep her up all night and I didn't want to be the reason she was tired tomorrow.
"Hunny, I'm fine. I've been waiting for you to call." She replies I can hear the smile in her voice.
"LA is beautiful mom, you should defiantly come down to see me. Styles & Associates has a beautiful building I was shocked at how many floors there are, the interior was stunning you'd love it. Finally I just got the call from Mr Styles, he said I'd got the job and I start tomorrow at nine!" I tell her practically jumping in excitement.
"Darling that's amazing! What's your new boss like? Is he as nice as Simon from Ford, Hogman & Holmes?" She asked, Simon Ford was the managing partner at my last firm and also the guy I had been dating for about a year since I finished Law school, we were happy but he knew I wanted to be here in LA so he told me to go, gave me an amazing recommendation and told me if I was ever in Boston again to call him so we can catch up.
"Mr Styles is great, he's very happy and also seems to be an amazing boss. All his employees love him from what I've seen. I'll have to tell you more when I start and mom no more talk about Simon, it's not going to happen I don't love him like you guys do. He was the perfect guy I know but I just didn't feel anything more with him." I said, I knew it would disappoint her but I couldn't help it. "Anyway I have to go I need to start getting ready for tomorrow, love you mom I'll call after work if it's not too late tomorrow."
"Okay hunny, love you" she replied as I hung up.
After I got off the phone I went into my bed room, like Mr Styles office it was a beautiful, black and white and very modern. I brought most of the things from home, but not everything as shipping would've cost a fortune!
White walls with black rose wallpaper over one wall, black bedding and wooden floors with a black wardrobe and dresser and white candles and photo frames on top.
I walked over to my  wardrobe and opened the door, what should I wear for my first day...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've loved writing this story so far it's taken a while to think about how things go and what happens between them, I'm still deciding if I want it to be a story about just Harry or all of the guys from 1D!
Just so you know, I may mess up some American terms as I am a Brit.. If you want me to change anything or make things a certain way, just tell me..

~ British Girl

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