Chapter 9 I killed a killer The last chapter

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Laylan's POV
I slowly lifted my aching head from the hard ground I had landed on to see two slightly blurry, cloaked figures standing in front of the commander and me. One was bearing a dagger and the other had bracers strapped to their arms. I looked over to the commander to see him shaking with terror.

"Th-there's t-two of y-you!?" He stuttered.

"You know who they are?" I asked slightly shaking myself.

"Let me introduce our selfs," said the one wearing the bracers. My vision was back to normal and I could tell that they were both female. "I am Le Preneur de Vies and this beautiful girl here is my daughter. She's the one that threw those blades at you and killed Sophia."

"How shall we kill them?" Asked the younger female.

"They will fight us." And with that, we started fighting. I was battling with the older woman. She was quick but her movements were jagged. I could tell that she hadn't fought anyone in a long time. I knew what I had to do. I had to wear her out. I took of running hopping that she would run out of breath, there is know way I'm going to die by the hands of my fathers murderer.

Thomas' POV
The girl with the daggers was the one who killed Sophia, that meant she knew where Elyria was. I can't let her beat me or let her die but she's too fast for me to lay a hit on her. She stabbed my shoulder and kicked my face. I pushed her off me and pulled the knife out of my shoulder. She charged at me but before I could swipe the dagger at her, she kicked my feet up from under me causing me to fall. She straddled me as she drew out another dagger from her right boot. Just as she was about to plunge it into my chest, a rock hit the side of her head knocking her unconscious. I looked up to see Laylan holding a huge rock with blood splattered all over his face. I looked to the side and say a dead body. He had killed the Preneur de Vies.

~a while later~

Elyria's POV
I was standing on a platform in front of the kingdoms people as my crime was read out to them. No one knew my identity but they soon would. Every criminal that gets hanged has there identity shown.

The rope was tied around my neck and my head hung low. The man reading out my crime finished his speech and I knew it was it. My hood was pulled back and my face revealed. An uproar of gasps escaped the kingdoms people's mouths and the trap door underneath me fell. I was choking. Just before I blacked out, something wrapped itself around my waist then violently pulled me back and I slipped out of consciousness.
ELYRIA IS NOT DEAD!!! I REPEAT, SHE IS NOT DEAD. Me and my friend have agreed that Elyria will be transferred to her story (Here, Kitty... Kitty... It is an original CP story that she made). Elyria comes into her story on the 13 chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this shitty book but I've really enjoyed writing it. I am working on another story but it won't come out till I've finished it. Well, that's it from me and this story is officially finished (but kinda continues is Here... Kitty, Kitty... (The story is way better than it sounds ok))


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