Chapter two

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Holy crap I did so much research for this chapter that's probably why it took so long to update ahA

"Plagg, just leave." Adrien was scrunched into a tight ball on his bed, with his covers up to his chin.

Plagg just flys over to the pillow next to him, "I mean i would, but this is just the smallest bit entertaining. I mean you finally accepted that you have to stay home from school!"

"School," Adrien said with a hazy voice, opening one eye to look at his alarm clock next to his bed, "W-Wait I'm late for school!"

He jumps out of bed and grabs his bag after getting dressed, and he runs out the door on his way to school.

He gets to school and walks up to the principals office, to get a tardy slip.
"Sign here," the administrator smiles sweetly.
He signs down his name, date, and time and hands the paper back to the administrator.
She looks at the slip, "it seems you were tardy yesterday too. Rough week?"
He sighs and takes the slip gently, "yeah, extremely hectic."
The lady smiles with empathy, "you better get to class, but if you need to come down and talk feel free too."
"Thank you." Adrien smiles and walks to his hall.
As he gets into his classroom, he slowly walks in, expecting his chemistry teacher to scold him.

"I'm sorry I'm late again," Adrien puts his head down and hands the teacher the tardy slip.

The teachers face scowls, and she takes the slip out of his hand roughly, "Go sit down and finish your notes, since you are late."

He nods and sits down in his seat. He opens his bag and grabs his pencil and notebook. As he looks on the board he sees ten slides filled with twelve font writing.

He rubs his face with his hands and pinches the bridge of his nose. He should've just listened to Plagg and stayed home today, he thought.

Nino looks over and whispers quiet enough for the teacher not to hear, "Bro, you alright?"

He nods and smiles his model smile, completely fake, but realistic. He looks back at the board and starts writing the notes. He finished up the first three pages front and back and went to go grab another sheet, but he was left with an empty binder.

He nudges Nino, "Hey, you got extra paper?"

He frowns and shakes his head, "Sorry bro I don't, Mari does though. I had to ask her for some today."

He thanks him and turns around to look up at Marinette. She was concentrating so hard on her worksheet, that he didn't want to disrupt her.

As if on cue, she looks up and her face goes red, "Y-Yes?"

Adrien shook his head out of his daze, "I was wondering if you had some paper I could use?"

She nodded quickly and took out her binder, "How many do you need? I have enough for everything, not like you need it though, but like- ugh, what am I saying."

She muttered the last part and he smiled a little, "Just two, please."

Marinette took out two pieces of paper and handed them to him, "Here you g-go."

He nodded a thanks and turned back around to finish his notes. As he was about to write down his next bullet point, the bell rang for dismissal.

He put his notes away and stood up, and his head spun wildly. He sat back down for a moment and pretended to grab a pencil off the floor, so it didn't look too suspicious.

He stood back up, a little slower this time, and put his bag over his shoulder. He walked out and saw Marinette just a few meters in front of him, her talking to Alya and Juleka. Nino had already left, so he decided to walk over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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