Chapter 10: The screaming In the Night

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                                            I look out of my tiny bathroom mirror, only to see the enlarged moon looking back, and the dark blue-green sky behind it. I lightly sigh, as I wash my face, and let my long black, now growing white, hair fall. I slide the bathroom door open, and see Finch reading a book. I look at him far too long, and he slowly sets the book down, and his eyes meet mine. His eyes narrow, and with sass in his tone, he speaks up. "What are you looking at?" I can feel the heat in my face rise, even turning my cheeks a light shade of pink. "N-nothing!" I say stuttering quickly. His head tilts to the side, and his eyes curiously narrow at me. Moving my blankets off on him, he gets up, and he walks up to me. I look at floor, with my hair following my actions. The heat rises even more in my face, as his hand touches my face lightly. Being forced to look at him bottom to top, I can easily see he is in sweat pants and his grey hoodie. My face is lifted, and my eyes meet his. "F-Finch?" I manage to say. he gets closer, face only inches from mine. "Yes Stella?" I take a second look at him, bottom to top...I notice something very strange about his attire. As I try not to laugh, I speak quietly. "Why are you wearing my sweat pants?"  He lets go of my face, and backs up frantically. His blue eyes are wide, and I merely stand watching. He turns away, his face in his hands. "H-how did you know? Please spare me! don't slice me up!" Then, he runs to my feet on his knees. "I swear, the clothes I was wearing before were all I owned!" I sigh and speak up. "Finch, they are the only pair of sweatpants I own, and they say Pink across the butt in pink letters," I say, as my face rests. He turns around, and notices the letters. "Gahhh! Why would you set me up like that! that's not very nice!" I tune him out, and he starts to run back to the bed, hiding under the blankets. "God, for a guy that could easily tackle me in combat, you sure are a drama queen," I say walking to my own bed, picking up a hair brush and finishing my night routine.

                I turn to say goodnight to Finch as I finish brushing my hair, but as my skinny body turns, I can see that Finch is already fast asleep. His black hair fell over his face, covering one of his closed eyes. His mouth slightly open, and only the sound of his breathing fills the room as I turn the lights off throughout the camper. As I walk back into my room, I can see him curled up in my blanket. I cautiously poke his face to make sure he is asleep. "Nghh. Stella.." Finch says,as his voice trails off. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I shrug it off, and slip under with him. I stare at the ceiling, with so many thoughts racing through my head. Are we going to stay like this? Is Finch dangerous? Does he like me? I shake my head at the last question. "Tch, stupid. Probably not," I say to the myself. I can hear Finch shifting to his side, and mumbling things in his sleep. It was at this time, I grew tired, and decided to get some actual slumber here, wherever I am. 

                                                  *_*_*_*_*_*TIMESKIP TO ABOUT 4AM_*_*_*_*_*

          I must be back! "So stella, what do you think of him?" Jazmin questioned, setting her muffin down. I can feel my face heat up the slightest. "Wh-who are you talking about?" I answer her question with a question. I know who she is talking about, but I can't lie to Jazmin. I stare off into the never ending whiteness surrounding us. "Obviously Finch! Who else?" My face deepens in color at the sound of his name. "I-I hate him!" I try to lie, but she can see right through me. "Oh, the blush on her face says otherwise," she says, with a smirk on her face. "You like him, don't you Stella?!" I sigh and decide to tell her the truth. "I think he's cute," I say, taking in the thought that I've never told Jazmin about Finch..."I knew it! You are a liar!"Then, She sets her head down, and begins to cry. The ground below us is speckled with black. "H-hey now, I jus-" I was cut off by her hysterical laughter, as her head was brought out, I saw the monster once again. This time however, I have no defence. Her black tentacles stabbing me what felt like hundred times. My blood pouring out of my body, as the laughter continues.

                     I wake up to Finch shaking me. "Stella! are you ok?!" I can hear him yelling at me. My face is damp, and my throat is sore. My eyes feel itchy. I feel like I'm still crying, and it's because I am...I stare blankly out the larger window in my room, and it flows back as to what happened in the dream. "Hey now, Stella. Don't cry. You're ok. I'm here," Finch whispered in my ear, trying to calm me down. However, this didn't work, and caused me to go back into the screaming stage I was in when Finch woke me up. I only cried more, and that's when he pulled me into a tight embrace. I was in slight shock at his action. The fact that Finch was now shirtless due to the heat, and pulled me into his arms had calmed me a little, but small sniffles could still be heard. "You can stop crying Stella. That thing won't get you, and it can't if I'm around," He whispered huskily, but calmly in my ear. I took in what he said, and hugged him back tightly, as if it were for my life. He stroked my hair, and I sat there in his lap, holding on for his protection. I could feel the softness of his pale skin, and for only owning one outfit, he smelled clean, and sweet, like lavender. Although there is no sound, I still cry silently in his arms. and although I start to drift asleep, I never let go. However, I can feel him laying back down, with me on top of him, holding onto him.

        Before I fall asleep completely, his scent of sweet lavender fills my mind before I fall back into a much calmer and sweeter slumber.

A/N thank you guys for all the reads! It makes me really happy that some of you actually like my story! Please be sure to comment and vote! Thank you! Next chapter will actually probably be out tonight. I do have a swim team banquet tonight, so it won't be until after that!

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