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The phone echoes throughout the cold, darkness of the seemingly empty house. A young man pads their way slowly to the machine, he wants to turn it off but the answering machine beats him to it. A message erupts in the silence, "Eldon, it's me. Riley and I would really like you to come back to the next step with everyone for her anniversary. You can't be alone, she wouldn't want want that. " his close friend James said, half heartedly. Another message goes through and he is greeted by the familiar voice he knows as Riley.

"Eldon, it's okay. Just come. Please, please come back. You can't do this alone." She states sadly, before the echo of her little boy, EJ laughs in the background. He deletes the messages, before setting his briefcase down on the counter and staring longingly at the picture of his true love beside it. Tears began pooling down his face, as he wipes it away, but more continue to flow. He walks through the halls of his dark house, through the sparsely decorated rooms and falls into his bed. He grabs the pillow; that smells like her and holds on tight. Not long after, the sobs of a broken man fill the night, as another force he can't feel tries to comfort him.

Eldon, hadn't been the same goofy and loveable boy he once was, he was a man broken and saw the hardships in reality. He is trying to fight a battle that he doesn't know if he can win.

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