6 Years

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Six years.
Six years. Eldon thought to himself as he woke up from the fog, six years since he left The Next Step and never looked back on dance, six years since they won Internationals and six years since his Michelle had died. It was an accident they would say, but no he didn't believe it. It was an unjust death, he was wrongfully separated from the love of his life and there was nothing it seemed that he could do. She died terrified, she died with him, but at least they would say she died loved, and he would never forget her.


They had just been announced the winners of the International Championships, the other team had ran in defeat from the stage and it left the A troupers celebrating. Eldon had ran to Michelle and swung her around, and kissed her; while everyone around them cheered. James and Riley were sharing this special moment and so were Max and Amanda, everyone was happy. Once the judges came to Giselle and his girl they stood together and held the trophy up high. The spotlights beamed on them and they all radiated with love and joy. That was until they noticed an unsettling noise, "CREEEEEK". The lights would scream. Everyone in the audience went silent, everything was dead silent except the creeks and the erratic moving of the spotlight. Everyone ran, and once Eldon saw that Michelle wasn't there he became frantic, and then he saw her. She was like a deer caught by headlights, she looked scared and she was frozen.

He frantically yelled, "MICHELLE!MICHELLE!" And soon the team joined. But nothing seemed to move her, she was paralyzed. Finally at the last call she shook it off and began to run, but it was too late. At that moment the spotlight gave up, and fell on her, crushing everything beneath her chest. The whole room shook,  and no one knew what to do; paramedics were called but Eldon stood there frozen with shock. All the dancers had their hands to their mouths and some even buried their heads on one another. Kate fell to her knees and Eldon ran, no one could stop him. He lifted away some of the metal and found her lying there, blood trickling from her nose and mouth; she was pale and looked lifeless. His beautiful angel was gone, her blonde locks were sprawled almost like a halo but she didn't seem to be there. He began sobbing, and held her hand to his cheek. "Michelle...." He wailed. A part of him began to die, there was no hope left in him.

"Eldon." A voice croaked, he looked down and saw the comforting chocolate brown eyes he loved open. He stared back, his green ones over flowed with tears. He breathed a sign of relief, hoping that she would make it.

"Save your strength, the ambulance is coming. You're going to get better." He reassured, but something was off about his voice, there was something holding him back.

He saw her faintly smile, but then she gurgled, " I'm not going to make it." He stared at her and reprimanded her for leaving him and that she needed to think positively. Michelle choked, her beautiful brown eyes turned glassy, "I'm sorry Eldon, I think it's my time. I'm glad I got to spend my life with you, I love you so much. Good-bye." He stared at her, but then her eyes closed and her hand went limp.

"Michelle, Michelle." He pleaded.
"Please come back, please wake up. I love you. Please, please." He began to bawl, this was it, this was the last time he would ever hear her voice, be able to touch her and to be with her. He crumbled down and laid on the debris beside her, not moving, not wanting to move. Everyone in the stadium stayed in shock, not knowing what to do; many were horrified  and cried for the young girl they didn't know and for the boy who's heart just shattered. Eventually the paramedics arrived, and James had tried to move Eldon but nothing would move him as he now just stood there; emotionless. They pronounced her dead at the scene, which only tore Eldon apart. He watched as the covered his girl in a black body bag; watching them take away everything he danced for. Everything he loved. All of the dancers were a mess but none could fathom what just happened and how their soloist felt. The girls began to sob and ran to their rooms, the boys moved Eldon but he wouldn't say anything, do anything. Miss Kate came to him, hugged him and cried but he didn't respond. He felt as if there was nothing worth living anymore, he couldn't imagine a place without Michelle, yet here he was.


He had changed over the years, whether it was natural maturity or just the emptiness that moved him everyday. He knew that whatever happened was no accident, and that he needed to bring justice to Michelle but also to allow him to be at peace. After that night, he quit dance as there was no point in doing it if you weren't with your love and he went to the police academy and got a degree in forensic sciences. He became the best and youngest detective in Toronto, at the ripe age of 24, but that didn't matter to him; Michelle never got to age with him, she would stay forever 17. He wasn't alone though, James had seen his drive and worked with him, along with Hunter but they were just police officers at the moment. He had worked with murderers, pathological liars and sociopaths; he would often try to sort out a pattern and learn from them, now he had enough information to put a case together; as long as his boss allowed it. It was his time and he knew that it would finally allow justice back into his world.  Breathing, he got up, dressed and out the door, heading back to the studio he left behind to be with the people who wanted to help him and the people he needed right now. Before he left, he whispered, "Bye Michelle, I love you.", this became his ritual every time he left his home, and with that he shut the door.

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