spongebob and patrick.

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Couples costumes make me want to barf. Why did I ever let us wear those? Some of them are cute, I suppose, but I'm not in a romantic mindset. Therefore, everything romance makes me want to barf. Valentine's Day should be fun as hell, yeah?

October 31st isn't the same... Surprise, surprise. I've mentioned that in almost every letter, haven't I? That's because nothing is the same now. Everything is different—quieter, boring-er, lonelier.

I didn't dress up this year. I figured if I had no one to go out with, why should I? Kirstie invited me to her party, but I lied and said I was helping my mom pass out candy at her office. Oh well. I just didn't want to go to a party. (I know—shocker.) I just wanted someone to dress up with, y'know? I know if I asked her she'd probably say yes, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. She had already planned her costume, and it was amazing. Her Dorothy costume was absolutely stunning on her. Everything is stunning on her, but yknow.

I wish you were here to dress up with me. We could be one of those eighty thousand cute couples that I saw walking around as salt and pepper, or PB&J. I wish we could have been Soongebob and Patrick. (That's one thing that hasn't changed—my semi-unhealthy obsession with SpongeBob. That'll never go away. Ever.) We would have been so adorable.

Well, I guess I haven't mentioned Kirstie much, have I? She's been good since you left. She handled it a lot better that I did, maybe because you weren't her boyfriend. She was there for me a lot after you left. I almost lived at her house for a few days, because I didn't want to stay alone at my house. Even though I wasn't alone, with my parents and all. Maybe that doesn't make sense. Probably not. Nothing makes sense.

I need to stop being so damn emotional. I know if you were here you'd probably tell me that things aren't as bad as they seem right now, and that they'll get better, but I don't know. Maybe they will. Hopefully.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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