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March 12th, 2016
7:30 pm

"He was smiling at the graffiti under the bridge. He had just finished spraying the words "It Is Better To Have Loved and Lost than To Have Never Loved at All." He thought it looked nice, until she came up behind him.
"Lie," she said in almost a whisper.
He turned to her. "Excuse me?"
"That's a lie." Her sea green eyes were shining in the street lights glow. She raised an eyebrow at him, in a "I know something you don't know" way. "Because when you love and lose, you don't just lose the love. You lose yourself." And with that, she turned to walk away, smirking. "You'd know that if you'd ever been in love."
And then he watched the mysterious brown hair girl walk away. But he knew he'd see her again. Because he may not have ever been in love, but he was about to be." -un-predictible on Tumblr

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