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Effie hereby presents you her work for the supermarketsquad one shot challenge.

My sister, Leyah, was a huge pain in the ass. As in, really, really annoying. To the point where she would ask me to buy tampons for her at midnight.

I didn't even know what the heck she was doing at the time.

All I knew was it was her time of the month which had yet come by for a visit and she could get scarier than any thriller movies I had ever watched. She had barged into my room looking like crazy and demanded for a tampon. The tampons Leyah and mom stocked had all been used up and that night, mom wasn't feeling well. Dad was out of town for work and Leyah...well, she was having a slight problem.

So, like the good brother I was, I set out for the local supermarket with my mom's car.

Arriving at the destination, I saw that no cars were around—of course, it was freaking midnight. I parked my mom's car and proceeded inside the supermarket.

As soon as I reached the 'women' aisle, I picked a pack of tampons. I was really thinking about pranking my sister by putting paint into the tampons but I'd stick to not doing it for the sake of keeping my head intact.

After paying for the tampons, I stepped out of the supermarket. It was eerily quiet, until I heard a giggle. A fucking giggle. Hearing a fucking giggle in a deserted supermarket in the middle of the night was scary alright.

Curiosity, however, got the best of me because a few seconds later, I found myself standing at the corner of the supermarket.

Whoever was making the giggling noise was on the supermarket's backyard, I was sure of that.

I quietly stepped out of my little hiding spot (the corner) and my eyes were immediately blinded by chaos.



Graffiti, as in everywhere.

And a pink haired girl.

A pink haired girl standing on a bench that almost led up to the two storey ceiling.

I knew I should be calling the local officers since I got ahold of the person who had been vandalizing local supermarkets for a few months, but my hands were stuck in motion.

She painted the walls with streaks of letters that vary in colours.

Give it up, this squad is grand, you won't be able to catch us.

Well, that's nice.

She eventually noticed me and stopped her work.

"Who's there?" her voice rang through my ears. She spoke so softly so that no one could have heard us.

"It's the cops?" I asked in a tone that was as soft as hers.

Take the bait, take the bait.

"Dude, are you stupid or what? The cops don't speak like that," the girl looked at me smugly.

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