It's A Wonderful World (On Hold)

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I push my hair behind my ear, wondering if there would be a chance he would see me today. Looking up from my math book, I glance at Mike. He must of felt my stare, because he looks back at me. I blush and move my eyes back to the book. I start to wonder when class would be over, when the bell rings. Signaling that school is (Finally!) over. I shove my books into my bag. Then I bolt from the room before he can say anything. After a quick stop at my locker I go to the parking lot.

My car was almost on the other side of the lot. Glancing around me, to see if anyone is watching, I break into a run. Which is faster then any normal human beings should be. But that's me. Not normal. When I reach my car, I hop in. Then start the engine. It revs, sounding almost purr like. Driving fast I get to our pack house in only a few minutes.

The moment I stop the engine I can hear the arguing. Sighing, I jump from the car, collecting my bag. Jogging to the house, when I step on the wrap around porch, the arguing stops. Smiling contently, I open the door. Seeing Alessa and Bec standing in the middle of the main room.

" Were you two arguing again?" I ask knowing the answer. Alessa rolls her eyes. While Bec takes a step towards me.

" Sorry Clara, we did not mean to greet you that way." He murmers looking at me. Now it is my turn to roll my eyes. I just know he is checking me out right now. I might be a year younger than him, but I know him that well.

" You don't have to greet me, everytime I come home from school just because I am the Alpha's daughter. And don't try to say that you do it to all the younger wolves, because I know it is just me." I say. The last part was thrown over my shoulder as I climb up the stairs, then down the long hall of doors till I get to my door on the end.

Right before I shut my door, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I groan locking my door behind me. Throwing my bag over my desk chair, comes a nock on my door. Looking at my ceilling I sigh. Unlocking the door, the person on the other side opens it. As they open it I jump high, than flop down on my bed.

"What do you want now Bec?" I ask without even looking at him.

"Want to go for a run in the woods?" He askes pushing his hands deep into his front pockets, almost like he was daring his pants to fall down. I think for a moment, once again pushing my brown wavy hair out of my face,

" Fine, but you try a single thing like last time without asking." I pause for dramtic affect " I will make it so you will be running away with your tail between your legs. Only minus the tail." I say with a wink, as I haul myself up.

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Thank You emilyd123, for making this cover for me!

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