for the best...

22 6 26

Well. I've made my decision!

I'm going to leave for a while!

But its not in a negative way.

I've just got... To deal with some stuff back at home!

But. First I want to thanks some people!

Binxi1031 thank you for being there and helping me get over myself!
I really need that amiga! Plus... You keep being you smol fabulous cinnamon roll self!

Italy_Veneziano_ Italy! Thanks for making feel better when I came back. I know I was being ridiculous! I tend to do that sometimes!~ Also. You keep eating pasta....

And Luciano..... You don't stop doing these faces -_-. Amigo... (^_^)

Germany_Hetalia Thanks for helping me when I was being my pathetic self. And I hope you find your "liebe" Aia!

Hetalia_South_Korea and HetaliaUK-Wales Thank you for comforting me and giving me advice! Don't worry about me... And DONT! DO ANYTHING STUPID!

Catbug_and_Puppycat thank you for talking with me.... I'll keep in mind about what you said..


This is adios for now!~

-Alli O'Brian

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