chapter 7

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Stephanie's POV
Since I ...
Matt taps my shoulder and asks if I wanted to go for a walk, I quickly said yes and grabbed cinnamon to take with us. We talked a lot, and by a lot i mean A LOT! We found a little tea cup mixed with a chihuahua at the park and It had an adress on the dog's tag, we decided on returning tomorrow since it was a little late already. As we were heading back to my place, Matt grabs my hand at first it felt pretty weird but then I didn't care I felt protected.
"Well goodnight Steph see you tomorrow" matt said nicely kissing my cheek.
"Where do you think you are going young boy, its 12 am im not going to let you drive this late get inside and sleep." My mom practically yelled with her accent😂
"No Mrs. Contreras it's fine" matthew said
I just smiled😂.
"If I were you I would just so it, she will not let you go, and i rather sleeo right now than later" i whispered to him but loud enough for my mom to hear. We walked in and he went to my room, i had a little couch in it so my mom allowed Matt to sleep in it. Me being me, told him to sleep in my bed and I would take the couch, i never touch my bed I always fall asleep on the couch😂 ( actually happens).

It was around 3 am when i hear crying, i looked around to see Stephanie crying. I notice she's kind of weird, she can never go out without her headphones, sometimes she even freaks out over a branch it's weird but i dont want to ask her she probanly doesn't trust me yet. I quickly stand up lay down with her and wrap my arms around her, i notice she's calming down. Im falling asleep when i hear her speak.

"Matt?" She asks
"yes ?"
"There's something you need to know about me..."

Will probably update until tomorrow because i forgot to do my homework😂 love you guys, dont forget and comment what you think will happen nexts😊

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