Chapter 5

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There was no answer on the phone.

Sharni started to panic and hung up the phone. She ran to the radio, which was on her dressing table and switched it on, hoping if there was any breaking news about what she just heard through the phone. Fortunately it was almost time for the news to be heard.

"News just in!" Announced the newsreader on the radio.

Sharni held her breath.

The newsreader continued. "A young man was found unconscious from a road accident in a street in town. We were told that he was hit by an uncontrolled motorbike, which had been speeding up to 120 miles per hour. He is described to be 5ft 5inches tall and of Afro Caribbean descendant."

Sharni gasped with more panic for it definitely sounded like Vince to her. She switched off the radio, as she could not bear to hear anymore. She dashed back to the phone and frantically dialed some numbers.

The phone was picked up on the other end by Lisa. "Hello?"

"Lisa, did you hear the news?!" Cried a gasping Sharni.

"Yeah, I did." Replied Lisa.

"It's Vince!"

Lisa was shocked. "What?! It can't be right."

"It has to be him. He was there on the phone to me and then I heard a crash, and that moment after that, there was no reply from him, but his phone was still on." Big drops of tears started to roll down Sharni's cheeks. "He must be sent to a hospital now, but I don't know which one!"

"Ok, Sharni, calm down." Said Lisa in a calm voice. "I'll call the others and we'll come straight to you."

"Thanks, Lisa." Sharni hung up the phone again and lied on her bed on her side and cried due to shock, helplessly.

An hour later, Lisa arrived at Sharni's house with Ade and Sophia.

"Ok, where's the phone?" Ade asked as he and the girls hurried in.

Sharni pointed to the phone and Ade quickly picked it up and dialed some numbers.

"We need to call every hospital here to find him!" Said Ade frantically, waiting for a response.

"Hello?" Answered a woman.

"Hello, I'm looking a Vince Mark Carr." Said Ade through the phone. "He just had a road accident, and I was wondering if he is here."

"Ok, just one moment." There was a pause. Then the woman on the phone came back. "I'm sorry, but there is no one of that name in my computer."

"Try 'Vincent'!" Ade said frustrated but controlled.

"No, sorry."

"OK. Thanks." Ade put the phone down.

"Well?" Asked Sophia, worried as everyone else in the living room.

Ade shook his head and dialed more numbers. He tried every hospital in the city and each and every one of them gave the same answer as the first.

In the end Ade gave up with a sigh. "Sorry, Sharni. I tried, but it doesn't seem like Vince is in this city and I don't have other hospital numbers."

"But, he has to be here!" Cried Sharni. "He was supposed to come back from Jamaica today, over an hour ago!"

"Are you sure it was him?" Sophia asked putting a hand on Sharni shoulder.


"But it could be anyone." Ade said.

"No!" Sharni said firmly. "It is Vince. I know it."

"Ok, so do we tell anyone?" Sophia asked.

"Not until, we are sure." Ade suggested.

"And when we find out it's definitely Vince, do we inform his family?" Lisa asked.

"No!" Sharni said firmly. "We're NOT telling anyone!"

Everyone in the room turned silent.

"They've already got someone in hospital to look after." Sharni continued with a shaky voice. "They can't be at two places at once!"

"Ok." Ade agreed calming her down. "Well, at least we should tell Andre, and we can take care of Vince."

"Good idea!" Lisa grinned.

"But we'll have to wait until we find out for sure."

The College Lovers Series - 3. Memories: A Mission To Get Them Back [sytycw15]Where stories live. Discover now