Rant #1 Expectation, Disappointment, & Middle Ground

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Life is often a disappointment.

As long as you head into an experience with any sort of expectation, you will be disappointed. But who wants to live life never looking forward to anything? Never being excited?

Expectations add so much to life, and yet simultaneously destroy so much faith in humanity. The aforementioned faith can be so hard to restore, but it truly depends on the level of disappointment that you've faced.

These days, it's so hard to go into the world as a kind, happy, giving person, because do many people just take, take, take! Other's just go with the flow and let life either pass by or sweep them away. Everything is so extreme, middle ground is nearly impossible to find.

Somehow, I think that if we all could bring ourselves to feel a little bit more empathy the world would be a better place. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes isn't as hard as it sounds. Close your eyes, think of someone and try, try to honestly understand how they feel.

No one needs shared experiences to empathize with someone else or to understand them. All anyone needs is a bit more love for everybody. A little more peace, a little more love, a little more middle ground.


Next Planned Post: Equality x)

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