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Gabriel shoves Michael and I away, and I grip my katanas hard, and Michael has his gun in his hand. Gabriel's hammer thing, grew some more spikes. 'I love you, I love you, I love you.' I mutter to Michael. He looks over at me. 'I'll love you a thousand times over again, love.' Michael replies and we get ready.

Gabriel makes the first move. He moves forward quickly with his hammer in his hand, and he smashes a booth Michael just jumped off of. Michael fires at Gabriel, but does no good since his wings protect him. I got it!! I'm faster than Gabriel!! I can rewind his moves and anticipate his next!! I pull out my hand gun, and fire a shot at his open leg. He groans in pain, but keeps moving. After Michael ran out of bullets, he jumped over the bar and dodged Gabriel's feathers.

I sliced at his leg with my katana, but Gabriel keeps giving. I toss Michael my other two guns. He shoots Gabriel in the chest, but it doesn't harm him since he has a chest plate on. Great!!! Michael flips over Gabriel's wings, and continues to shoot him. Gabriel sticks his hammer out, and Michael sticks his gun out, and they both connect. Michael fires and it makes a small explosion. It catches Michael off guard, so Gabriel gets a kick in, sending Michael into the wall. I super speed around the diner, soundlessly, and I use my gut instincts. I go under Gabriel's legs, and I shoot up. He gets caught off guard, so I trip him, and I cut off several feathers with my katana, trying to save some time for Michael.

His wings battle me, so I use my other katana, too. He then uppercuts me in the stomach, sending me flying where Michael was. Michael was already fist fighting Gabriel. To say Michael was pissed, was just an understatement. He was beyond furious. He flipped Gabriel on his stomach. I heard a painful crap as he dis it. Gabriel leans up, just as Michael kicks him in the face. Gabriel uses both hands to punch Michael in the chest. Michael lands on the bar, and he grabs my gun, just as Gabriel brought his hammer down. Michael didn't have time to shoot. Gabriel knocked the gun out of his hand. And then, he slices Michael's stomach with his feathers, and sent a punch in Michael's face. I screamed. Michael tried to punch back, but he was too weak.

'Damnit Michael!! Does my faith mean nothing to you?! I love you damnit!!! And if you aren't going to fight for my faith and love, I'll do it!!' I tell him, purposely making him angry. Gabriel goes to hit Michael with his hammer, but Michael dodges it, and makes Gabriel drop it. 'That's the man, I know and love!! Kick his ass, Michael!!' I cheer Michael on. Michael back hands Gabriel, and kicks him in the chest, sending him flying. Michael flips over Gabriel, landing on his back, in between his wings.

Michael choke holds Gabriel. Gabriel flies up, making Michael hit the air ducks. I take my katana, and run up to Gabriel in full speed and I slice his stomach, under a space in his armor. "That's enough." Michael growls. Gabriel wasn't having it though. He picked up with hammer. "Gabriel. That's enough." Michael tells Gabriel. Gabriel took his hammer, and turned a part on it, making a long piece of metal go through the both. I screamed. Michael falls off of Gabriel's back. Gabriel turned around. "You wanted to live like one of them. Now you'll die like one of them." Gabriel says, a tear rolling down his face. I screamed and stabbed him in the back with my katana.

Gabriel turns around, and grabs my throat. "I have, and always will love Michael. Kill me. Do it." I hiss at Gabriel. Gabriel let's another tear out. "I'm not afraid to die." I whispered out harshly. "But you haven't even done it." Gabriel teases. I smirk. "Yes I have. I'm not afraid to do it again." I mutter as I close my eyes. I then, feel that metal go into my chest. I grunt, but relax. He let me go. I fall next to Michael. 'I love you Michael. I have avenged you. You have avenged me.' I whisper in his mind as I could see his body glow from my eyelids.

And then, he was gone. I felt my body get light. Not dying, light, but, as if I wasn't here anymore. I was dead, I knew that. My heart stopped beating once I finished telling Michael, I've avenged him. "Open your eyes, dear child." I hear a male voice tell me softly. I open my eyes, and see that, I guess I'm in Heaven. "You are, Skylar. You were special to begin with. You were part angel. And not only from Michael's mate powers. That's why your eyes turned blue. You never lost faith nor hope. Not in me, not in Michael, not in anybody." He says around me. I look around. I felt a weight on me now.

I look down to see that I am in a short, white-ish goldish dress, that goes up mid-thigh, and has a very thin train that goes down to the back of my calves. I turn my head to see that I have black wings. I gasp. "Your an angel. A full angel." He tells me. I smile. "If I'm in Heaven, and your God. Where's Michael?" I ask aloud. I hear chuckling. "Right here, love." I hear that voice I love. I turn around and grin. I run to him, and I hug him to death. I start to cry. "Why are you crying?" He asks me worriedly. I grin and wipe my tears. "Your here. With me! And we saved them!" I exclaim happily. He grins and nods. "Yes. We did. Now come on. We have matters to attend to." He tells me and grabs my hand. I frown.

"With who?" I ask him curiously. He glances back and smiles. "With Gabriel." He states and we vanish.

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