-1- Yuri of Kouka Kingdom

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The female walked closer to the edge of the cliff, staying far enough away so they couldn't see her. She, however, could still see and hear them. The sounds of hooves against the gravel, walking in perfect synchronization. The sound of the wind blowing the red flags. The hood of her cloak blew off her head, revealing her orange hair. Another female walked up so they stood side-by-side.

"Yuri-hime1, Yona-hime1." a voice said behind them, "We'll be departing soon."

Yuri turned, her golden eyes landed on her childhood friend. She nodded, a slight movement of her head, before inhaling the cold air. "This place sure is cold, isn't it?" she asked her sister, turning, her eyes landing on the cloaked figure standing beside her. The sun rose behind them, illuminating them and their group of friends.

Yona glanced at her sister before speaking, "It's cold here." she agreed.

"It does border the mountains." their friend, Hak, replied. Yuri took a step forward. She gazed down at the soldiers marching to war.

Yona followed suit, taking a step forward. The two then exchanged a silent conversation, knowing the other was thinking the same thing. 'Back then, we had no idea it could be so cold outside the castle. How long has it been... since that day?'

Kouka-okoku2, Hiryuu-jo3 to be more accurate, was where the two used to live. At the time, the emperor didn't have a male heir, nor an empress to give birth to one. Just two fifteen-year old princesses he raised with the utmost care.

Yuri was sitting on a chair, a lady doing her hair. Min-Soo walked in and said, "Himesama?"

"Min-Soo!" Yuri returned, smiling brightly. Luckily for the female, her hair was just finished. She had her hair in a tight braid, weaved in with an ornament she got from her mother. The ornament could've been mistaken for a necklace, with the string and beads, but Yuri never minded, after all, it was the only think inherited by her mom.

"Himesama, are you ready?" Min-Soo and Yuri got along but never the point of being friends because she was princess. The status always limited her to well-known friends, instead of casual, "peasant" friends.

Yuri hummed and glanced in the mirror. She had changed into a pink dress. She was told pink matched her orange hair and yellow eyes but she herself loved the simple idea of a white dress. She nodded, "I'll go find chichiue4, Min-Soo." and rushed out of the room, her black flats already on. She hitched her dress and ran down the steps. Before she could stop, a male jumped in front of her.

"Himesama, where are you going in such a..." he looked at her in shock. She had finally managed a hairstyle that fit her facial shape and and kept her unruly hair in check. He clapped his hands and cheered in that way that makes you feel he was making fun of you. "You managed to keep you hair in check."

Yuri sighed before smiling, "Do you like it?" she asked, spinning. He instantly noticed the item in her hair and stared at it for a moment.

"Hak-niisan5?" Yuri stopped spinning and looked up at him. She had the tendency to call Hak her brother simply because they were close.

"Hm?" he stared at her before asking, "Don't you need to look cute? After all, people are coming."

Yuri instantly thought for a moment before sticking out her tongue, "I know, I will."

Hak pat her head and she instantly whacked his hand off, "It took an hour to do this!" she whined.

"Then don't grow your hair so long." Hak retorted, smirking, ruffling her hair.

"But it won't look nice!" she complained, still attempting to push his hand off.

Yuri stopped, her arms falling to her side. "Yona-neesan6 seems to be still asleep and people are already filling the courtyard..."

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